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Kaylaya POV

I don't know how or when I even got here.

All I remember is being in a room with Annie, I don't know how I even met her. Or at least parts of it, I know we needed to say things to stay alive, I know we're fighting against rebels of the government...

Is that why they have me? To torture, or even kill me?

That alone sent me bounding to the door, pushing that girl out of the way. She was calling for backup, for being a guard she was to easy to take down.

I thought from the corner of my eyes I saw the person come out of the bathroom. His blonde hair looked wet, why was he taking a shower?

I push through the door looking every direction. Why was there so many people? They all gasp as I run past.

" Code 67! I repeat CODE 67!" A man's voice rings out.

Code 67: Escaped Prisoner.

I don't know how I knew that, I just do. All I need to think about right now is how to get out of here.

I rounded a corner banging into a tall figure, I take him out to. With a thud I hit the ground rolling quickly to a fighting stance.

They guy does the same, big build, dark brown hair, deep green eyes watching me like a hawk.

He haunches over slightly ready to pounce, I guess I might need to fight this one out.

I tried to grab me, I landed one on his cheek with a loud crack. He stumble just a bit, enough for me to get around him when I did- he dove grabbing my ankle dragging me down.

Again with a thud I hit the floor trying to pry me leg, this time he was faster stabbing a needle in my leg.

I fight it was long as I can trying to get up, trying to push him away, trying anything so they can't take me. I hear yelling though it was muffled, I fell in the guys arms as my eyes flutter again, the darkness I came to hate taking over.


Cato POV

" Where is she! Where is She!" I yell down the hall, Boggs and Gale were just setting her down on the floor when I saw them.

" At least we know her brain works." Priya breathes rubbing her elbow where she landed. She laughs lightly :"" A least she still knows how to punch."

My eyes follow her gaze so Gale, his nose was bleeding as he looked down at her sourly " I think you lost something." He says standing a little straighter adjusting his jaw.

" She got you?" I ask trying my hardest not to laugh.

" Yea, yea. Hilarious." He grumbles.

" Let's get her back in her room." Boggs instructs.

I took her frail body, at least she still has fight even in this condition.

Once we get back in her room Boggs closes the door, " What made her run?"

I run my hand through my soaked hair, " Dunno, I though Priya could handle it."

Pri glares, " She's a lot trigger then she looks."

" You think I don't know that? She can kick my ass if she wanted to." I spit back. Of course the time I decide to leave the room is when she wakes up.

Pri crosses her arms, " I think I know what's wrong with her."

We all look in her direction, " And that is?" I ask.

She looks cautious, " She didn't remember me."

She didn't remember...

Meridia- The Revolutionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن