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Cato pov

These days suck.

I feel everyday I'm on a loop. Wake up, train, eat, talk to Pri, and sleep.

I've never felt so trapped in my life, when something is wrong in my damned life..I fix it. There's not a damn thing I can do, it's driving me insane.

Plutrach still has been radio silent on Enobaria and I's part. But, my mom informed me they wanted Kay, we were just the baggage that came along with her.

I guess we really have no place here, and we can't leave.

The only thing I can do is go train, their rooms remind me of the academy back home, more modernized with weapons. No swords or axes, more like batons and guns.

I was on the edge of the room punching the bag mercilessly, I made sure to wrap my hands. Kay always made sure I would.

I switch sides as I punch, I could almost hear her yell at me for doing to much on one side, this burning anger has only increased since everything.

And I can't get it to stop.

" Maybe you should stop." I hear from behind me. Just what I need right now.

" How about you get the hell out?" I ask throwing another punch.

Zane sighs coming to the side of me. Still I punch.

" Your assessment went well?" He asks.

I roll my eyes, " They're to easy."

Priya went to sign us up for combat the day we almost got in a brawl. Figured it was goos for us, one of the requirements is to start from the bottom an climb the ranks.

And we've climbed. Far and fast.

I'm far enough to be a commander soon enough, I only want to command 2, some of these asshats could barely pass some of these.

" Your just that good. You can thank me for that." Zane boasts leaning on the wall proudly.

I scoff now stopping to fully look at him, " I can thank the academy for that. You didn't do shit, you were off training someone else's kid."

He scowls, what is he doing to do?

" Watch how you talk to me son-" I see him move closer, I take a step. " Or what.. huh? Hit me, I've been dying to hit someone since I got to this hell."

He stares at me, I lift my brow, " Come on, hit me." I tease. " If you do, I don't care if it's Priya or mom, I won't stop hitting. Makes up for all the times you did it before." I seethe giving him one more look before I walk out of the room.

I originally went in that room to release of anger but it didn't help. Not now.

I wipe the sweat off my face as I walk, I want to rant to one person and her only. I bite the inside of my cheek, I can't think of her, I can't take it.

I still had the wraps on my wrists, as I unwrap them as I walk past the same group of girls. They learnt my schedule so they're always here.

" Hi Cato." One says, I think her name is Emerald.

Do they not get the hint?

I don't even acknowledge them anymore, it's the same thing.

" He's not interested." Priya says coming from the other end of the hall. She sends her signature 2 look making them all cower away.

" Are they really that stupid." I mutter.

She chuckles, " We both the answer to that." She nudges me, " Hey, how was your training?"

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