I deul my distant relative--not like I battle my jerk relative-not at all

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Harry's POV

That. Was. AMAZING!

Percy totally just put Malfoy in his place!

I just hope he doesn't get in trouble by Snape.

Even though Snape is a demigod too, it probably wasn't wise for Percy to flip Malfoy like that.

But ugh. Potions. Least favorite class after DADA now. That toad.


The toad and the grease.

That wasn't even funny, why am I laughing?

Well okay then.

Snape walked into the dungeon, and took cognizance of Percy siting next to me. Malfoy saw too, decided to snitch on Percy now.

"Professor, in the hall a moment ago--"

"Yes, yes, Mr. Malfoy, it must be dreadfully important; however, I wish to speak with Mr. Jackson for a moment. Jackson? Come here."

Percy grew a small smirk and Malfoy grinned happily. Percy arrived at the front of the room next to Snape, where they spoke in hushed tones. I cocked my head, curious as to what they were saying.

Finally, Percy let out a laugh.

And Snape...

And... and Snape...



He never smiles. Oh no.

What happened?

My question was answered when Percy went to the front of the room's right side and Snape on the left.

He announced, "I know this is a potions class, but I think many of you would like to see what a proper duel looks like."

3rd POV

The trio's eyes widened. Snape was an expert at dueling. Percy didn't stand a chance. Snape met Percy in the middle of the room. They bowed to each other.

After ten paces, they fought.

Hermione's POV

My eyes widened at the thought of Percy in this duel. I had confidence in him, but there was no way he could win. Maybe hold out but not win.

The duel commenced.

They said the spells wordlessly, but that didn't take away the beauty of the fight. If anything, it created it.

Even I was unable to identify all the spells thrown around. All I could tell is that Percy's demigod training pays off. He was able to physically dodge all the spells he wished, and didn't have to cast a Protego Charm.

Snape seemed to be tiring.

Percy, on the other hand, look as though he could continue for millennia.

At last, Professor Snape made the mistake of lowering his guard for a moment, and Percy struck.

Snape's wand flew from his hand and into Percy's.

Snape didn't seem to like losing.

He called on his Hecate powers (aka no wand magic) and fought.

I swear I saw Percy roll his eyes. He was probably thinking, Seriously? You'll get us revealed. I would've laughed if Percy hadn't decided to play the no wand game too. But at least he made it look like he did use his wand.

Water shot out of nowhere and wrapped around Snape's limbs.

It froze.

Now the true winner was clear.

Percy Jackson, had beat the undefeated Severus Snape.

The Gryffindors felt like cheering. But we knew better. I for one didn't wish to put Percy in a deeper hole.

Snape got unfrozen and walked up to Percy.

Holding out his hand.

They shook on it.

Snape then did something we've never seen nor heard him do.

He congratulated Percy for winning.

And he said no homework tonight.

What happened to our professor?

Hey guys! So finally got the update out there. Not very good at fight scenes but knew I had to add one.

Thanks so much for the 2K. That's amazhang.

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Love y'all,


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