I don't want to be a captive, I want to be free

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(Above title is chicken dance tune. I'm feeling weird today. Like, OMG like no. Weird. Yes. To the story!)

Answer to last times question: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. The story is SET in OotP but the idea came from there.


Percy's POV


My head huuurrrrts.

Really bad.

So basically all I remember is going to sleep, waking up when someone put something on my mouth, fighting silently all the way down the stairs, losing a shoe, and finally passing out. I don't remember anything after that.

When I came to I was tied to a metal chair. With chains, not rope. Ok then.

What's going on?

My thoughts are still drowsy when the door behind me opens.

"Well, well. If it ain't the little devil spawn," cackled a lady with crazy eyes and messed up hair. She looked like she had waaaay to much to drink last night, got left on a porch, and woke up in a blender.

Well then.

I narrowed my eyes in confusion and she rolled hers with that creepy expression still on her face.

She exhaled. "Look, the master wants you, so BEHAVE! All right? It's a shame that he hasn't killed you yet. Hmmm. Maybe he will." Her eyes had left my face for a moment but quickly returned. "Still. Behave now, don't die a very painful death later. Alright?"

She didn't wait for an answer. She undid the chains, grabbed my arms, and with me still being drowsy it would be hard to fight back.

The hall she led me through smelled like a lemon had a baby with a sewer. A sour sewer.

She stopped at the door at the vey end of the hallway.

Cliché much?

Anyway, crazy lady opened the door and pushed me inside.

I don't know what I was expecting. Maybe a large conference table where evil villains could talk about their sales products or something, or a dungeon with torture devices everywhere.

I was not, one single bit, expecting the most evil wizard in the wizarding world, to be sitting on a baby blue beanbag.

Just....bare with me here.

An old guy, without a nose, in a freakishly long black cloak, sitting on a baby blue beanbag.

I could feel my eyes widening in shock. Either they wanted me to stand (please that be the case) or sit on the pink beanbag.

Gods no. Like, any torture but that.

So crazy lady left me with my evil grandpa who was sitting two inches from the floor, slamming the door on her way out. I was still standing there.

"Come sit, Perseus."

That added to my shock. His voice was like a serpent. Ugh.

"No thanks," I said. "I'll stand."

He narrowed his eyes but also stood up. He walked over to me. I swear I was more terrified than Annabeth in a room of spiders.

But I didn't let it show.

Voldemort walked around me, examining me like a prized horse. My head barely moved except to keep track of him. He finally stopped in front of me.

"I'll be honest. You're not what I was expecting." He paused.

"You're better."

You guys said you were dying for an update so I couldn't just leave you hanging. You're lucking I'm no longer feeling evil at the moment. Well...as evil.

Was that one a cliffy?


What do the Malfoy's call their house?

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Love y'all


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