To Hogwarts I Go... But Wait

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It didn't take long for Percy to find his way back to Hogwarts. After all, the train leaves from London normally, and Percy knew the general direction of Hogwarts. Honestly, he just asked how to get to Hogsmeade.

Percy arrived in Hogsmeade two days after meeting Dumbledore. It was late April, one one month left of school for the students of Hogwarts.

Dumbledore had told Percy to seek out his brother. Now, after Percy's last encounter which involved a goat, an empty pitcher, and a whole lot of screaming, Percy wasn't too eager to see Aberforth again. But he told Dumbledore he would go there, if only because he didn't know how else to get into Hogwarts.

Percy strolled through Hogsmeade, wondering how Harry, Hermione, and Ron would react when they saw him again. Percy had mixed feelings about seeing them again.

Free and George were the ones he was worried about. One of them (Percy couldn't for the life of him remember which one) was the whole reason he left in the first place. He hadn't seen the Weasley's, or any of his friends, since before the Christmas holidays.

He must've been in China for longer Mthan he thought, for it to be April when he returns.

Percy cautiously opened the door to the Hog's Head and peeked inside. He didn't see anyone.

Just as busy as ever, I see.

Percy slowly entered the wooden building, waiting to be screamed at by a rabid goat named Sanchez.

Long story.

Percy stood awkwardly inside the dark room. Albus told him that Aberforth would be there and that he would be able to help Percy get back to Hogwarts.

Percy knew he couldn't just return as a student. He'd been gone too long, in China too long.

Percy barely remembered the spells he'd been taught. Those crazy words never stayed in his head. All he remembered was Alacazam and Bibbity Bobbity Who. And Percy was pretty sure he didn't even remember the second one correctly. He hadn't seen Cinderella since he was thirteen and Annabeth was insistent on him seeing Walt Disney's classic film. Percy spent the whole time wondering what the mouse cum horse was thinking, and wondering if he'd be able to understand them in real life since they weren't technically horses.

And Percy didn't remember the teachers' names either. Maybe one was named McDonalds and another was named Fumbridge. He honestly couldn't remember.

With his four month absence, Percy was in quite the conch shell (See what I did there? Instead of a pickle? Hehe). He had no chance of being able to return, of being able to reacclimatize himself into a school of magic. His only hope was to hide out in the Room of Requirement until he had a better option.

But that came with the problem of how to get there. Which is where Aberforth came in.

Figuratively and literally, because at that moment, Aberforth entered the main room.

"You!" He yelled, pulling out a stick.

"Don't kill me!" Percy screamed back, throwing his hands in the air. He remembered what happened last time.

"Didn't I tell you not to come back or I would castrate you with a rusty spoon?" Aberforth questioned, walking closer to Percy.

Percy backed away a little. "The one beside your bed. Yes. However, I'm not here for Albus. I need your help getting into Hogwarts."

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