The Green Cavern

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3rd POV

Percy approached the green cavern with a slight reluctance. He had no idea what lied in store for him, and he admitted that that worried him.

Percy took a deep breath and entered the cavern.

From the outside of the cavern, everything was green. It looked... friendlier than it did inside. Percy glanced around the cavern. It was no longer green, but a muted black. The only light was a small dot in the distance.

Percy took out Riptide.

His sword gave off a large enough light to see about five feet ahead.

It's a good thing he did take Riptide out. Because now, he was fully able to see a sizable cliff drop off in front of him. He moved his sword around to see if there was a way across.

There! To the left! Percy maneuvered his way over to the side he saw the ledge on. He took another deep breath, then started to walk along the narrow strip while facing the wall.

He moved slowly; meticulously. He could not afford to make a mistake here. One foot in front of the other.

Hmm. That reminds me of that song from that one Santa Claus movie. You know, the animated one with the toy hater and the snow monster. Wasn't he Jack Frost? I haven't watched those in forever.

About halfway across, Percy's foot slipped.

"Ahh!" He yelled out.

His hand shot up and grabbed the ledge; barely.

Now hanging by one hand and unable to pull himself up on such a tiny ledge, Percy looked over to his right, where he needed to go.

Shaken, he started moving his other hand up onto the ledge also, and slowly moved himself along with both hands.

Still breathing heavily, Percy moved his hand one more time.

There was something else on the ledge.

He tensed (well, as much as he could hanging from a 100 foot drop) and slowly lifted his hand.

He had put it right next to a cave scorpion, and he would be lucky if he wasn't stung.

He moved his hand to his face, afraid of what he would see.

There was already a welt.

Percy knew that if he didn't get help soon, the venom would kill him.

But he couldn't exactly move past the scorpion. And who knows how many more there were.

So Percy did the only thing he could with the time he hoped he had left.

He let go of the ledge, and fell into the Abyss.

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