A New Perspective

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Voldemort wasn't the kind of guy to care about anything other than world domination. So you can see why he wouldn't care much about the news Lucius had just told him.

"Fell off a cave wall, did you say?" Voldemort inquired or Lucius.

"Yes, my lord," he replied. "Perseus was last seen going under the Great Wall and entering a cavern. He seemed to be speaking to himself. But it was quite the one-sided conversation we heard. Just him. Then before we cornered him, he fell off the ledge he was climbing on."

Voldemort pondered this. He had, of course, wished to know what his grandson was doing in China, but once he had found out, Voldemort ordered that his minions made sure Perseus failed. Voldemort could not have Perseus getting to the end of his little quest. It was filled with far too much knowledge about Voldemort.

What was awaiting at the end of the cavern was not any old treasure map X, but the secret to Voldemort's downfall.

Unlimited knowledge about the Riddle and Jackson families. Where they finally met with Percy Jackson.

In the final cavern would be a test; Voldemort would make sure that his Death Eaters don't let Percy succeed. Not if they value their lives.

"Make sure Perseus stays off that ledge. We cannot afford to let him get to this cavern! He will be unstoppable."

Lucius left confused, but Voldemort knew why.

It, after all, wasn't like he had told Lucius about his lineage.

Voldemort looked at a shrine to Kronos.

"Soon, grandfather, you will have your revenge on Perseus Jackson."

Sorry it's so short guys! But I have an orchestra concert today and we leave at 7:30 so I just wanted to get this out for y'all.

So what do you think of Voldemort's grandfather? Different? Good? Interesting?

Love y'all


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