A Glance to the Past

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Tom Marvolo Riddle, Jr. had been born of Merope Gaunt and Tom Marvolo Riddle, Sr.

Merope had come from a family of purebloods, the last heirs of Salazar Slytherin. Her father Marvolo and brother Morfin had been sent to Azkaban for six months for attacking a ministry official. Marvolo died before his son's sentence was complete.

Tom Marvolo Riddle, Sr. came from an "anti-magic, rich, snobbish, and rude" line of muggles. Mr. and Mrs. Riddle were his parents. Mr. Riddle, the grandfather of Tom, Jr., was actually Tom, Jr.'s step grandfather, if you would. Mrs. Riddle had actually conceived Tom, Sr., with another.

The Riddle's may not have liked magic, but that doesn't mean they didn't believe in it. In fact, Mrs. Riddle had actually met Tom, Sr.'s father under a disguise of magic.

Mrs. Riddle, let's start calling her Sue, had gone into town one day feeling all lonely.

"I am so lonely," Sue said to herself. (She was lonely!) "I should go into town to meet somebody so I'm not lonely anymore!" So Sue ventured into the nearest town wearing all her best stuff, and strutting like she could actually wear it.

"Hey, hi! How are you?" Sue called to the people. The people knew Sue. They made sure to give her a wide berth.

Sue walked into the nearest pub ('cause it's England. So it's a pub) and sat down.

Or, at least she would've if she'd not seen the "handsome, hot guy with golden eyes". So Sue went to Golden Boy.

"Hey," said Sue.

"Hello?" asked Golden Boy. He's heard about Sue, I guess.

"You're handsome. You want to have a kid with me?" Man, Sue is blunt.

"Yeah, sure, haven't been out of Hell for a while. I have a vacation every thousand years."

"Mm Kk," Sue replied. Then they went to her house and had a little Tom, Sr.

Golden Boy made sure to tell Sue that he was actually Kronos, but since he was tied to The Pit, a.k.a. The Tartarus, their kids wouldn't have any powers. In fact, they'd probably just become power hungry butts.

"Don't worry about it," Sue told him. "I won't let them take over any worlds."

"Well, I didn't mean to not let them. I'd actually be really proud."

"Then I'll teach them what I know."

"That works. Thanks, Sue."

"No prob, hun."

Then GBK (Golden Boy, Kronos) left Sue with little Tom, Sr.

You can imagine that poor little Tom, Sr. was sad to discover his dad was GBK.

"But I want to play catch with my dad. Not have my dad call me while being tortured on a hot rack!" Tom, Sr. complained.

"Shut up and eat your vegetables," Sue would say.

"But I don't like broccoli!" He would keep whining.

The Now Bigger Tom, Sr. had a son with a witch whom had put him under a love spell.

The product of said love spell was another Little Tom, but this time, Jr.

Little Tom, Jr. had only met his dad when LTJ killed BTS. What a great reunion.

When LTJ, soon to be ETJ (Evil Tom, Jr.) discovered his grandfather was a Titan, he flipped out. He threw a tantrum that blew up the orphanage, he stole kid's crayons, it was a bad day.

ETJ began making offerings to GBK. GBK would speak to ETJ sometimes.

That's why, when ETJ made his monthly offering to GBK, he learned that: Perseus Jackson was a demigod, GBK had been KOed by PJ, and that GBK wanted PJ D.E.A.D.


Naw, just dead. But still. Voldemort was determined to make his Gpa, GBK proud of ETJ.

Which is kind of messed up, but oh well.

I promise that I did not intend for what occurred in this chapter. It was supposed to be serious family history and then I found myself noticing the lack of humor. So I may have overcompensated.

So this was basically saying that Voldemort's dad's dad's was Kronos. So it's Kronos>Tom Sr. >Voldemort.


Anyhow, you got an update.

Love y'all


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