The Colorful, Cliffhanger Abyss

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3rd POV

As Percy fell into the cavern, he couldn't help but fear what was below. He couldn't see anything. It was too dark.

He'd heard stories. Some from Annabeth, some from Greek stories and legends.

And using the information those stories gave him, he couldn't help but think he might be falling into Tartarus.

You'd think I'd be more freaked out if that was the case. Or maybe that I'd feel evil in the air or something like that. Maybe it's not Tartarus. Maybe I'm joining the Care Bears. Percy shuddered. He hoped that wasn't the case.

Percy felt like he was along for nine minutes. He remembered Annabeth telling him that some Greek philosopher or poet or something that started with a "p" said it would take nine days to fall into Tartarus.

12,960 minutes in nine days. Only 12,951 more minutes to go! Maybe. Seriously, Percy had no idea where he was falling.

Ten minutes.






Seventeen- no wait, sixteen.

After sixteen Percy felt a change in the atmosphere around him. He was able to see again.

There was an underground lake below him. Percy reached out with his power and commanded the lake to bring him to safety.

Once on the lake's shore, Percy looked around in surprise.

Well it sure wasn't the land of the Care Bears.

This place was... Well. Darker. Definitely darker than wherever the Care Bears dwelled with their belly badges.

This cavern consisted mainly of the colors dark blue, dark green, and a pale yellow. Making Percy think of a jungle.

Who knows? With his luck he couldn't have been transported to the Congolese Jungle to be eaten by a Mokélé-mbembé. A dinosaur considered a cryptid. Percy knew far too much about cryptids. Thanks to Annabeth who loved the Cryptid Hunters series. She was obsessed with those.

Oh wait, off track.

Percy glanced around again. He didn't see anything incongruous. Everything blended in.

He sighed.

Would it be too much to ask that the correct doorway would just appear and he could get to where he needed to be?

Percy looked around once more.

He gulped.

Yep, it was way too much to ask.

He pulled out his sword as the jumbo-sized cave spiders went in for the kill.

His only thought?

Well, Percy actually had two.

One, thank the gods Annabeth isn't here.

Two, "insert colorful words here" my life.

And no.

Percy Jackson did not think "rainbow".

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