Why is this like that Zootopia Trailer?

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Harry's POV

I didn't look forward to explaining why Percy wasn't here. Hermione, Ron and I spent most of break trying to figure out a story in case people asked.

The story was stupid, but seemed believable. It's pretty much just him going back to America because his mom was in the hospital. Hopefully, that's not true, but still.

I had been told over break by Snape that Dumbledore wanted me to take some kind of lesson to keep Voldemort out of my head. I don't even know how that happened, so Snape better explain it.

This is really horrible.....

Percy's POV

I was still staring at the rainbow turtle. I was so confused. I mean, this thing was a giant turtle with a rainbow colored shell like some kindergartener took some crayons and couldn't make up their mind.

Seriously, I just came hoping I would find information on Voldemort. Unless this turtle can talk, this was a waste of time.

Turns out the turtle can talk.


Very slowly.


I decided not to poke fun and mock him. That turtle could have some creepy weapon up its.....shell.

Let's go with that.

"I'm Percy Jackson. I came looking for the....." I was interrupted by a slow talking turtle.

"Ah.......yes...... The.......weapon....... It........can.......only........be............retrieved........by......someone.........worthy......... Are........you.......worthy?........"

A/N that is so annoying to type

I looked that turtle straight in the eyes and said, "Worthy of what? Some may agree with you, but I however, would not freely say anything of the sort without knowing what you meant."

The turtle slowly smiled. "You.......are........worthy........ Follow..........me..........please........"

Well at least it has manners.

For such a slow talker this turtle is an even slower walker. I really just wanted to bang my head against the wall, but I got the feeling that would be wrong. Not because it would hurt, but because I think this turtle is watching me. I took a deep breath, and followed it deeper into the caves.

I am so sorry this sucks

Love y'all

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