Condixie Siba Ferret! Wait, what?

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Later on there's a part that says "condixie siba Ferret!" That's the sound heard when condixerant sibi auferet is said, which (according to google translate) means "lock him away."

Once Neville left for the Great Hall, Percy began his trek toward Gryffindor Tower.

He had a long time to think since the tower was a long ways away from the Room of Requirement. And Percy's thoughts weren't exactly what he would call fun.

Voldemort was on the loose; nobody wanted to believe that. Percy alone had been through enough to guarantee that the scumbag that is his grandfather was alive and kicking. Although at this point, I'm really tempted to turn that experience into a turkey sandwich. I'm starving.

Percy shook his head and gave himself a little slap. Bad, Percy. Grandpappy V being defeated is more important than food.

He shook his head again and continued walking.

About seven minutes later, Percy finally made it to the staircase that led to the entrance of the common room.

As he approached the Fat Lady, Percy realized that he had never gotten the password from Neville.

He hit his head on the wall.

First of all, ow. Second of all, schist.

Neville was nervously twisting his hands as he went to the Great Hall. While Neville hated being the bearer of bad news, he hated being the bearer of any Percy related news even more.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione had been quietly obsessing over Percy's disappearance since they returned from Christmas break. The picture in the paper was a miracle to them; knowing Percy was alive released most of the tension they had locked up. But it had been months, and they hadn't seen heads nor tails of Percy Jackson.

Until today, that is.

Neville slowly approached the table after seeing the three were present. He swallowed. Was it too much to hope that they weren't there, or that they would momentarily forget that Percy or Neville even existed? He really did not want to deal with this right now.

Neville took a deep breath, told himself to man up, and stopped beside Harry.

"Hey, guys," Neville mumbled.

"Hello, Neville," Hermione replied off-handedly. "How are you?"

"I'm fine," he slowly responded, dreading his next few lines, "but I do have something that you guys will want to know."

"Oh?" Hermione perked up and looked at Neville intently. "What is it?"

He gave an awkward smile and said, "So Pe—"

"Hey! Potter! Still crying about your boyfriend?"

Saved by the Malfoy, Neville thought. Never thought I'd be grateful to hear his voice.

Harry glared. "What do you want, Malfoy?"

Malfoy smirked as he got closer to the table, stopping about five feet away. "Not going to deny it then, Potter? Always knew there was something between you two."

"If that's all you've got to say, Malfoy, then leave. We don't care about anything you want to talk about anyway," Ron spit out.

Malfoy's smirk grew. "Oh, but that's the thing. I was just going to let you know that Jackson returned. He was standing by a wall when a wayward jinx went flying. Certainly do hope he wasn't hit."

Malfoy left the group, smirk on his face and laughter in the air around him.

Harry froze. So did the rest of the group. Hermione glanced at Neville.

"Was that what you were trying to tell us?"

Neville gulped. Why me? "Er, not quite. I hadn't known about the jinx until now. He must've been outside Gryffindor common room when he was hit."

"Bet it was Malfoy, the git," Ron said angrily. "What are you all waiting for? Let go see if we can find what's left of the guy."

Percy was so bored.

He had been standing by the entrance for ten minutes (which felt like ten hours in his mind) waiting for a fellow Gryffindor to arrive and help him.

He had tried everything to get in. From bribing the Fat Lady to saying pumpernickel in a Scottish accent.

Zip. Zilch. Nada. Why?

Percy had even said a few magic sounding words like Alohamora and Abra cadabra and open seasame.

Why Fat Lady, why???

Percy was about to risk the Great Hall when he heard footsteps.


As he was turning, Percy heard words that sounded like "condixie siba ferret!" and suddenly couldn't see straight.

Literally. Everything was tilted. Percy looked around in confusion. Even the world looked colored differently. As Percy turned a little more, he realized what the spell did.

As he saw the staircase from the other side, through a big golden window, he realized that he was trapped in a painting.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2017 ⏰

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