The Wake Up Call

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Percy's eyes snapped open. He groaned.

Percy blinked several times, trying to clear his vision. He attempted to sit up.

After failing a couple of times, Percy went back down onto the ground. He closed his eyes and put his hands to his temples.

Holy crap

What the Hades was that?

Percy thought back to what had just transpired. He was certain that those were not normal demigod dreams.

Think, Percy, think. Percy grasped at his thoughts, hoping to order them.

He knew that he fell down some hole. He knew that he landed and was about to fight some giant cave spiders. He remembered cursing his life and being thankful Annabeth wasn't there.

Percy recalled fighting the spiders. He was on the last one when they struck at the same time. The spider bit his leg, but Percy had killed it right after.

And then he passed out.

But the question was, were those just dreams? Or was there a significance to the two visions he'd acquired?

Percy had seen Voldemort talking to Lucius. About how Percy has to fail at something.

Then he'd had this disturbing dream that told him about his great grandmother and Voldemort's grandfather.

Percy finally sat up. He leaned forward and put his hands on his knees.

"What was that?" he asked, almost helplessly. "What the Hades was that?"

Percy was never one for crying. Or any showing any emotion that wasn't happy. He felt he had to be strong. A leader.

But there was no one with him down here.

And, maybe that's what hit so hard. Percy had made friends. A lot of them. And then they had to spout off some crap about him, and he left again.

Percy knew he would go back to the wizards. He had to. But Percy wanted to make sure that the cards were all in his hands.

Percy looked up. He glared at the cavern as if it was a personal challenge.

I will take you down, cavern. I will find out how to end this. And maybe a bit more about my family history.

Harry stared at the chessboard. Ron had just taken out his rook, knight, and bishop in the last three moves.

"Mate, you aren't even trying!" Ron exclaimed.

"My mind is on other things right now," Harry mumbled.

"Like what?" Ron asked. "Percy Jackson? Mate, you know he long gone now. I'll be surprised if we ever see him again."

"I know," Harry began, "but that doesn't mean–"

"Look!" Hermione shouted randomly. The boys looked over and saw her pointing and staring at the Quibbler.

"What?" Ron asked. "Did they finally discover a Crumpled Horn Snarkack doesn't exist?"

Hermione rolled her eyes. "No. This is saying that one of the Quibbler writers had visited China to look for rare creatures. It says that he got pictures of the Wall partially falling down! But the weirdest part! Look at this picture he put in the paper!"

Harry and Ron leaned over the Quibbler.

"I don't see anything, Hermi–"

"Wait!" Harry yelled. "Is that–?"

"Percy Jackson?" Hermione finished. "Certainly looks just like him."

The trio looked at each other.

"Why would he be in China?" Ron asked incredulously. "Does he like their food that much? I mean, how did he even get there?"

"I don't know," Hermione answered. "But I'll do some research tonight."

The Golden Trio looked at each other.

And each wondered if they would be able to find Percy. Or at least send a message to him.

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