Following In Nico's Footsteps

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3rd POV

It wasn't like Percy wasn't aware of the distress he caused. More like immune to it. He didn't seem to care or notice one way or another, and truthfully he couldn't care less about what was going on.

It was obvious to him that the people inside Grimmauld Place might be a little mad about what George said. Sirius had been about to blow a gasket when Percy left.

As Percy Vapor Traveled out of London, he had a few ideas of where to go.

Home, Camp, but he had some other places he needed to go first.

So with one swift motion, Percy
traveled to another location.

Upon arrival at Saint Mungo's, Harry and his trip were promptly ignoring George. They had become good friends with Percy and did not like that he had been falsely accused.

Molly Weasley had sent an alert to Sirius to tell them Mr. Weasley was okay, and to come tomorrow. So that's where they were heading now.

Voldemort watched his pathetic Death Eaters leave headquarters. He rolled his eyes. Such idiots.

'But,' he thought, 'they make easy servants. Especially Severus. He was always one of the most loyal.'

Voldemort's thoughts turned to Percy. Why did he have to leave? They could've ruled together. Percy would make a fantastic ally i know this war. Voldemort didn't even know where he was.

But, because of his disobedience, Percy Jackson would not be "okay" much longer. Voldemort can't allow others to think as such.

So Percy Jackson was to be made an example.

For all the wizarding world to see!

As Percy touched down at his desired place, he sighed with relief.

'Watch out China,' Percy thought. 'Here I come'

I've nothing to say.


The new story is......

CHAOS STORY!!!! It's on my YouTube channel if you want to watch the reveal.

Samigirl 101.

Love y'all


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