Redo: Beanbags Are More Evil Than Voldemort

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I agree with you guys. The last chapter sucked. So I decided to redo it. He'll stay mad this time.

3rd POV

There was silence in the house. Everyone stared at Percy to see what he would do.

"A Death Eater?" He said calmly. That scared everyone more than if he yelled.

George looked so terrified he could've been in a room with a mass murderer and a guy who had so many immortal enemies they could attack at once and flood China's population.

Oh wait.

"I-i-i-it was an accident. I don't know why that came out!" He said quickly. Percy resumed speaking.

"Really? Because in order for thoughts like that to come out, you have to have been thinking them."

"I swear I didn't mean it. I'm just worried about dad and---"

"Oh you're worried about him? I think we all are and I don't even know him! You don't see me taking it out on you do you?"

"Percy, look I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!"

"You know what George, I don't care. If you said it, you've always thought it, and you know what? I'm not going to deal with it! I was just trying to help but apparently it's not wanted, nor my help will ever wanted by you."


"It doesn't matter George. I'll just let you all wallow. It not like I've ever been in this situation before. Not like I could've helped. I'll just go away for a little bit. See how you like being away from the 'Death Eater'. See you guys later." And with that Percy left.

Harry didn't know what to say. He just witnessed one of Percy Jackson's legendary explosions. He thought they rarely happened and he just saw one. Everyone was silent.

"Well," Harry began, "did we ever tell you about the time Voldemort sat in a baby blue beanbag?"

The group stared at him.

"What?" Harry asked incredulously. "Just trying to defuse the tension."

So I hope you guys like this version better. I deleted the other version after publishing this.

Love y'all


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