I Scare A Boy Who Lived

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Harry's POV

Well Dumbledore was useless.

What's the point of being the headmaster if you do nothing to help the students. I swear, with all the deadly actions this school has had occur, how has it not been shut down yet?

First year: Many deadly trials to keep evil away, but the thing is if I hadn't gone down there, I wouldn't even have to worry about Voldemort getting the Stone.

But Albus still let the Professor be here. Guess he missed that one.

Second year: A giant snake kept petrifying people.

Yeah, that's normal.

Third year: Dementors and mass murderers.

Well, the murderers were less deadly than the Dementors but still.

Fourth year: Oh, nothing much. Just a bunch of games where people can die for entertainment. I thought these things died back in Ancient Rome but apparently not.

Oh and Voldemort also came back.

Almost forgot that small detail.

So that small detail kidnapped my friend and Dumbledore does nothing.

How am I still trusting him at this point?

(A/N let's see who knows where those rants came from. Cookies if right)

I finally decided to stop my ranting and go outside. We needed to visit Hagrid anyway, so I invited Rom and Hermione to come along.

We left the Common Room and started towards Hagrid's hut.


It was late when we left, and we needed to get back before lights out and Umbridge came 'round. As we left the hut, I saw a small blue light in the distance near the lake and forest connection. Curious, I went that way, forgetting a bout curfew. Hermione began what I assume to be an amazing tell-off, when u shushed her. I could practically feel her eye roll.

As we walked towards the light, I thought about Percy again. How he would most likely join us on this little adventure. How we would laugh as he tripped over a rock like every time we come out here. I sighed and carried on.

The light was almost completely faded by the time we arrived. I could only tell it was there by knowing beforehand.

I looked around, hoping and wishing with all I am that Percy made the light even though I knew it impossible.

(A/N And you call yourself a wizard.)

Then I heard something that made me screech like a little girl.


Snape's voice.

Percy's POV

I felt the pull of the travel, almost exactly like shadow traveling. This was the third time I accomplished the travel. Let's just say the first two were accidental trips.

In unrelated news, China is very nice. Nico was correct.

But back on topic.

I hoped this trip would work. I didn't have it in me for another.

I reformed in a flash of light, like always. It's disorienting to Vapor Travel. Quite so actually.

I looked around and saw what I had hoped to see.

Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.

I was still getting over the nausea when I hard voices.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione's to be exact.


I hid in the brush beside me and waited.

All I could make out was Harry's disappointment and the other two's worry, when I decided to have some fun.

In my best Snape impression I said, Potter?" And waited for the cannon to go off.

He jumped five feet in the air and shakily turned around. When he saw me he froze, as did the others, then slowly walked up and poked me.

He poked me twice more and then he hugged me. Hermione and Rom joined and I couldn't breathe. They finally let go and Harry did something I didn't expect.

He punched my jaw.


Aaaannnnddddd that's a wrap.

That's for reading y'all. Thank you. Thank you very much. (Elvis voice)

I was waiting to write this and I did. Tbh it sounded better in my head.

Oh well.

Question time.

What's your favorite headcanon for any book.

Love y'all


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