(Wednesday's child is full of woe):- The Monster

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Rowan Ignored Y/N's request and used his Power to choke Wednesday.

"Ugh!" Wednesday goans.

Y/N's Eye's widen in horror when he notice Wednesday's Eye's rolled back and how much he's struggling. Panick spread over her body. Memory of her parents dying come into her mind.


"Sweetie, run"

"Princess, Run as fast as you can, don't look back"

"Run away, Go"

"We love you, Sweetie. Don't forget that"



It's happening again... Someone is dying on her presence and she can't do anything. She's useless.

Y/n can't speak nor move. Her whole body is trembling. She can't accept it, Wednesday much not die. He can't die. She can't accept it.

"WEDNESDAY CAN'T DIE!" Y/n Screaming from bottom of her lungs.

Suddenly, blank of her eyes rowan's body Throw into a tree making him yelled in pain. Wednesday also Dropped on the ground but his Eye's didn't leave Y/n, not even for a second.

It's maybe for a second but wednesday did catch a glimpse of Y/N's Eye's. They were turned golden, it's Disappeared when Y/n notice Rowan was suddenly thrown away.

"R-rowan??" Y/n called, she didn't understand what happened out of nowhere but wednesday did. It's clear that Y/n is the one who did it. He's sure about it.

Just when Y/n about to speak again a Roar of something come behind Rowan. A creature pick up Rowan and Slammed him into the ground, hard. Rowan Screamed in pain and fear.

Y/n frozen in horror while Wednesday also frozen on his spot. They both were too Shocked to respond.

The monster used his claws and tear Rowan, killing him. Y/n Gasped, loudly when the monster Eyes met her.

Y/n's legs went numb and she fells on the ground. No matter how much she tried to move, her body isn't responding. The monster slowly walk towards her. Y/n and Wednesday's eyes similarly widen in Panic.

The monster stopped two step away from Y/n, looking down at her. Y/n also stare back but in Fear. Suddenly the monster bend down, making Y/n Flinch.

"N-no please!" Y/n begged, closing her eyes and extended her both hands to stop him from approaching her.

Wednesday's finally Snapped and was about to run towards Y/n but he halted on his moment. Something happened that make Both Wednesday and Y/N shocked to the core, The monster didn't bite Y/N's hand but instead he..... licked her palm.

The monster run away, Leaving a stunned Y/n and Wednesday. They both didn't moved for a while.


Y/n finally let out a small sobs, she was holding herself for a long time but can't anymore. It's scary.

Wednesday quickly run over and embraced Y/n as tight as he can. Y/n didn't return the hug, she's still shaking. Wednesday notice it and sighed.


"I'm here" Wednesday replies. He didn't know how to comfort her so he just tightly hold her till she calm down.

After few minutes later Y/n finally calm down. Wednesday finally break the hug but didn't let her go. He checked for any kind of injured on her body and face but, fortunately found none.

"Can you stand?" Wednesday asked as gently as possible. Y/n nodded and stood up. Wednesday notice Y/N's panda fells on the ground, he walk over and pick it up.

"Here" Wednesday give it back to Y/n, She quickly take it and hugged it like it's comforting her. Wednesday take a last Glance at her before he walk away from Y/n to check on Rowan.

Wednesday notice the picture Rowan was showed them before. He pick it up and put inside his pocket. Wednesday take a look at rowan's dead body before return to Y/n.

"Let's go" Wednesday said, Warps his hands around Y/N's waist and lead her out from there. Y/n didn't reply but follow him. Wednesday is now seriously worried for her, but keep quiet.

Wednesday decided to not drag Y/n about this matter so he send Y/n back to her dorm before he, himself run inside the school to inform everyone about rowan's death but... He Lost consciousness while talking to Bianca.

He also Suprise by this event. It's Tired him as well.


Back to Wednesday's Room. He was sitting on his desk, infront of the crystal ball.

He didn't check on Y/n after everything that happened, so he's worried a little for her. Wednesday Eyeing the file on the desk, which Tyler gives him before look at the crystal. He watched the purple smoke disappear and his parents face appears.

"Hello my little black cloud!" Gomez explained. Happy to see his son.

"So tell us darling, how was your first week?" Morticia asked his son, she's also happy to see him. Wednesday give his father a disgusting look when he blow some kiss towards him.

"Let's see. I narrowly avoided death twice, discovered that my father may be a murderer, Learned that I could potentially destroy the school, and was saved by a homicidal monster, also......" Wednesday stopped, he look down at his hand for a second before look back to his parents again.

"I met a very interesting girl named Y/n, who's keep surprising me in every moment she got, She make me feel so many emotions i never feel before" Wednesday admitted, Y/N's smiling face come into his mind.

Again...his death Heart skip a beat. He frowned then shake it off, quickly. It's unpleasant.

Wednesday notice his parents, Gomez and Morticia looks confused before share a knowing look with each other but he didn't question it. He speak again, taking their attention.

"As much as it pain me to admit, You were right mother. I think I'm going to love it here" Wednesday said, a small Smirk appears on his face.

He's right about it, He gonna love it here because there is so many secrets and mystery is waiting for him to reveal. But mostly the girl who's most important and most mysterious among all. Wednesday need to know what she is.

"Just...what are You, Y/n Y/l/n?"

HIS LITTLE QUEEN (M. Wednesday X Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora