(Woe is the loneliest number):- Evidence

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“Hey, wait, what really happened the other night at the festival? Look, I swear i won't say anything to my dad” Tyler promised.

Wednesday and Y/n stopped and Glance each other before turn to look at Tyler.

“I thought Rowan was in danger. Turns out I was wrong. Then he used his telekinesis to try and choke me to death” Wednesday told him.

“Holy shit. Wh-why would he do that?” Tyler asked, looking quite Suprise.

“No idea. That's when this creepy monster things came out of the shadows and gutted him. It was freaky” Wednesday answered.

“Woah, Woah, so you guys really saw it? It didn't try to kill you?” Tyler asked.

“No it actually saved us from Rowan also..it kinda licked me” Y/n admitted.

“Licked You?” Tyler asked in confusion (A/n: I was like 👁️👄👁️)

“Yeah, Wednesday said it was just testing if I was tasty or not, So that he can eat me later” Y/n Huffed.

“I don't think it's the case, Y/n. Maybe he just liked you?” Tyler guessed.

“Yeah, so that he can eat her later, as a dessert, You Know” Wednesday Teased.

“Wednesday! You're freaking me out” Y/n whine at Wednesday who just smirked.

“Anyway, We came out here to find something that can prove he was Murdered, and that I haven't lost my mind” Wednesday explained.

Y/n notice something and tug Wednesday's sleeves, making him turn to look at her in question.

“Over there” Y/n point at something which look like a glasses.

Wednesday walk over there, Y/n and Tyler also follow him.

“These are rowan's. I knew it was a cover-up” Wednesday smirked and pick it up. As soon as he touch it, his head thrown back into a vision.

“WEDNESDAY!!” Y/n Shouted and immediately moved to catch him. Tyler also quickly hold Y/n before she fell down with Wednesday because of his weight.

“Wednesday? Wednesday, wake up” Y/n called ignoring the fact that, Tyler is hugging her from back.

In Wednesday's vision, He saw Rowan's trying to move the gargoyle statue by using his telekinesis power.

Then, Rowan and Xavier arguing about something.

The scene changed and he saw that rowan used his telekinesis to grab a book and ripped a picture. Also how he got angry and used his telekinesis to throw Xavier into a wall.

Wednesday's vision ended and he finally open his eyes, Just to meet with Y/n's worried one. She look like she was about to have a Panic attack. Wednesday need to tell her about his vision soon.

“You okay?” Y/n asked helping him to stand up.

Wednesday was about to replies but, he frowned when he notice Tyler arms which is still on Y/n's shoulder. Wednesday grabbed Y/n's upper arm and pulled her away from Tyler, Making Y/n confused.

“I'm fine” Wednesday replies.


Inside the library Wednesday, Y/n and thing was looking for the book Wednesday keep seeing. Wednesday finally told Y/n about his vision, Although Y/n wasn't that suprise, she see it coming.

Wednesday also asked her about her golden eye but Y/n immediately deny it and told him over and over again, that he just hallucinating.

HIS LITTLE QUEEN (M. Wednesday X Reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα