(Woe is the loneliest number):- Looking for clue

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Wednesday approach enid, she was painting the canoe along with her friends.

"I have to get back to the woods, but Weems has been watching me like a vulture circling a carcass" Wednesday said as soon as he went there.

"And you want me to cover for you so that you can return to scene of a crime that didn't happen?" Enid Scoffs.

"Why not asking Y/n?" Enid asked.

Wednesday took a glance at Y/n, who didn't even acknowledge him.

"No, She's coming with me" Wednesday's told her, making enid give him a teasing smirk.

Wednesday rolled his eyes at enid.

"If you're thinking something stupid, knock it off. I merely mean, I need her help" Wednesday explained. Enid, ofc didn't believe him.

"We have beekeeping this afternoon. I need you as decoy" Wednesday added.

"Sorry, two strikes. I'm busy and bees totally creep me out. Why don't you ask thing? Wait, you can't because he's mad at you, and so do Y/n" Enid smirked.

Wednesday give enid a confused Look, He again look at Y/n who still didn't give him a single gaze then back to Enid in question.

"Why is he mad? He's the one that screwed up, and why is Y/n mad at me?" Wednesday asked.

"It doesn't matter that he screwed up Wednesday. What matters is that you hurt his feelings. Y/n didn't like it. He complaint to her" Enid explained.

"Technically he's only a hand" Wednesday Deadpanned, but flinched when Y/n slammed something on the floor and glare at him.

Wednesday's Sweatdropped.

"He's also your family, Wednesday. Go apologize and I'll reconsider helping you. He's in our dorm. Go before you make Y/n even more mad" Enid told him.

Wednesday Frowned. He look at Y/n then Enid before roll his Eyes and walk away.


Wednesday entered Y/n and Enid's dorm and saw thing on Y/n's bed , readings a magazine. Wednesday approach him.

"I snapped at you. I'll check my tone in the future. Now chop - chop, before all our Leads turn cold" Wednesday said and tuned to leave just for thing to ignore him and keep Flapping the magazine pages.

"What is it that you want? Hand cream? Nail buffer? New cuticle scissors? Consider it done" Wednesday again speak.

This time Thing close the magazine with a loud ‘Thud’ before tossed it away. He tapped the spot beside him for Wednesday to sit there. Wednesday did as thing wanted.

Thing Started to scold him.

"I know I'm stubborn, single-minded, and obsessive. But these are all traits of great writers" Wednesday said. Thing again Signal something.

"Yes, and serial killers. What's your point?" Wednesday asked, Thing did some hand motion to signal him something else.

"I have nothing to get off my chest, and I'm not submitting to your emotional blackmail" Wednesday deny it.

Thing didn't believe him and keep tapping the bed to signal him, making Wednesday Huffed in Annoyance.

"Fine” Wednesday take out the picture from before and saw it to thing.

“When Rowan showed me this.it confirmed my greatest fear. That I'm going to be responsible for something terrible. Not good terrible like Ivan. Bad terrible. Y/n's life can be in danger too. I can't let that happen. That's why I need to find out the truth" Wednesday admitted. Thing pat his hand to comfort him.

"Now go and tell Y/n that I apologise and you Forgive me, so that she will stop ignoring me and help me to search the woods for evidence"

Thing tapped again and do some hand motion to sgnal something to Wednesday, making him frown.

"I don't love her okay? Love is weakness and I refuse to have any" Wednesday snapped at him but thing ignore him and again tapped his fingers.

"I said, I don't love her, never will. She's not even important to me, just useful. I will never fallin love. And.....One word to her, I'll gladly break your every goddamn finger" Wednesday threatened. Thing Flinched and quickly crawl away from there.


At The bee club Y/n, Wednesday, Enid, Eugene standing there. Enid is on her beekeepers outfit.

"Now remember, if Weems comes sniffing around, keep your distance, look grim, and don't say a word" Wednesday said.

"Hey! Don't talk about her like that" Y/n defend, glaring at Wednesday.

"Was i wrong?" Wednesday Casually said, not meeting Y/N's eyes.

"Payback is gonna be a bitch" Enid sighed and Y/n pat her shoulder to comfort her.

"I'd expect nothing less" Wednesday replies.

"Blab and I will squeeze you like a honeycomb " Wednesday turned and Threatened Eugene.

"Snitches get stung. It's hive code. Besides, i should be thanking you. This is the most girls I've ever had in the shed other than bees" Eugene Exclaimed.

"Shocking" Wednesday sarcastically Replies.

"I've always had a thing for pretty girl and werewolf chicks"Eugene admitted while glance at Y/n then Enid.

Wednesday eyes Twitched.

"The chance that Enid ever becomes romantically interested in you is less than 1%. And there is no chance with Y/n" Wednesday declared, narrow his eyes at him.

"So, I've still got a shot? Yes!" Eugene Exclaimed, punching the air. Wednesday rolled his eyes and turn to Y/n.

"I own you one, Enid" Wednesday said, taking Y/n's hand on his own before Dragging her.

"Your damn right you do!" Enid Shouted behind them.


Wednesday and Y/n walk through the woods for any kind of evidence that might be helpful for them.

Wednesday and Y/n Halted when they hear some noise behind them. They turned around to look at the source of the noise.

Suddenly someone come from Wednesday back and pulled him behind a tree by his collar. Y/n Gasped when Wednesday pulled her with him. Exact moment Sheriff galpin walked away from there with his dog.

Tyler was the one who pulled Wednesday. They all hide there in silence, waiting for sheriff to Leave.

"Sorry. I didn't want Elvis to pick up on your Scents" Tyler explain, letting Wednesday go.

"Thanks. How'd you throw them off?" Wednesday asked. Tyler take out some coffee grounds from his pocket.

"Coffee grounds?"

"Deer hunting hack. One of the perks of being a part-time barista"

"Wednesday!" Y/n called out.

Wednesday and Tyler both look down at Y/n, in wednesday's arms. They forget she's still here and Wednesday still have his arms around her waist, Protectively.

Wednesday slowly removed his hand from her and let her go.

"I assume your father didn't bring the bloodhound to play fetch" Wednesday comment.

"He doesn't tell me shit. You must think it's weird, I'm stalking him?" Tyler Awkwardly asked.

"No, I've occasionally had the urge to stalk certain people" Wednesday admitted, Glancing at Y/n who's fixing her clothes.

Y/n didn't interrupt  their conversation and walk away from them to look around for some clue. Wednesday notice it and quickly catch up with her.

Tyler follow after him.

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