(Friend or woe):- Outreach day

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“All students will report for their volunteer jobs at 10:00am sharp, followed by a community lunch at 1:00” Weems Announced, getting everyone's attention.

“As you know, this years outreach day culminates in a very special event, the dedication of a new memorial status in the town square, which will also include performance by Nevermore students. As representatives of our school, i trust you will all put your best face forward”

Weems Finished her speach and Some people approach and give each of the students envelope, there's writing who got what volunteer jobs.

Wednesday open his envelope and read his volunteer job name when enid and Y/n approach him.

“Yes, I got pilgrim world. I do have natural People skills and love of performing, so it's kinda the obvious choice” Enid Exclaimed.

“What'd you get Wednesday?” Y/n asked.

“Uriah's heap, whatever that is”

“Awww, I got weathervane” Y/n Pouted in disappointment, She wanted to be with him but looks like it's impossible. Wednesday didn't respond to her but unknown to them, he's also disappointed.

“It's this weird creepy antique store. You'll love it though. I'm crossing my claws Ajax and I will be outreaching together” Enid said and look over at Ajax, their Eye's Meet and smiled.

“Btw...” Enid look back at y/n again and eyeing the black scarf around her neck “You still didn't tell me why you Warps that damn scarf around your neck”

Y/n just awkwardly laughed and side eyes Wednesday who's secretly smirking.

“I'm just cold” Y/n lied.

“Okayyyy? Anyways, Miss ya boo” Enid Shrugs off and quickly hugged Y/n then walk away from them.

“It's not too cold outside” Wednesday comment, earning a glare from Y/n but he didn't mind.

“Shut up. Now I'm aware that You need to check the pilgrim world, right?” Y/n asked. Wednesday give her a small nod. He already informed Y/n about the book and other stuffs.

He know that, Y/n maybe lied to him about one thing but she's the only one he can trust and seek help from these matters, After all Y/n is the only person other then himself who witness Rowan's murder.

“Ajax got Uriah's heap as well, Sorry I can't help you to search there, but you know what to do”

“I appreciate your help, Umm...thank you” Wednesday mumble the last part but Y/n hear him and smiled.

“You're so cute” With that Y/n get on her tiptoe and peck his cheek.

Wednesday's whole body freeze, eyes widen in shock from the sudden kiss. Y/n smirked at him as she notice the faint blush on his face and red ears.

“Good luck weds~” Y/n wished and signal him something before walk away from him.

Wednesday stare at Y/n's back in Confusion, not knowing what she mean but he finally notice that principle Weems approaching him and realised what she mean.

“Wednesday, don't worry about your cello. I'll have it brought to the town square this afternoon”

“My cello?”

“I caught your rooftop serenade the other night. Impressive. I volunteered you to accompany the Jericho high school marching band at the ceremony. I'm sure it won't be too challenging to play an uplifting fleetwood mac melody” Weems explained.

“As long as you Promise to hang me as a witch afterwards” Wednesday Blankly said and walk off, leaving Weems alone.


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