Part 1

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"Seo Changbin, huh? Let's see what kind of guy you are...."

Chan was daydreaming while waiting by the counter at work.
Ever since he had finished school and his fitness instructor license a few years ago, he started working at his local gym as a personal trainer.
He got along with his coworkers well, had strong bonds with his clients, and was popular amongst the regulars at the gym.
It wasn't always an easy job but Chan was more than grateful to work in a field he was passionate about. He had great social skills and knew his domain well. So far he was able to help people stay in physical health and reach their personal goals.
Unfortunately, one of his regular clients had recently canceled his program after an injury so now Chan couldn't get his minimum of hours booked. He was even happier to get a call from a potential new client a few days back.

Chan was eagerly waiting at the counter, for a man who seemed to be taking his time.
"Seo Changbin"
The name resonated in Chan's mind for a while. When they had spoken on the phone, the potential new client put a strong emphasis on his name. Overall he seemed to have a lot of motivation and energy in his voice. He sounded young but also experienced in fitness. He knew exactly what he wanted, while many of Chan's other clients were rather lost at the beginning, looking for guidance.
Chan wondered why he picked up on such details. Normally he would just get to know the person during the first appointment and not overthink it before even meeting them.
It was probably because the man was late and Chan had more time to think than usual.
He checked the clock.
9:33 am.
Only three minutes late so far.
How could the time have passed so slowly?

Maybe the time didn't go by slower,
maybe Chan's thoughts were just faster today.

Finally, on the fourth minute, Chan could spot someone entering the automatic sliding glass doors.
From afar Chan could already make out the man's physique. He looked rather short but very muscular.
Chan had never seen him before so he concluded it must be his first time at the particular gym. The speculations were revealed to be correct when the man stopped to orient himself.
He only started walking again once he spotted the counter Chan was waiting at.
With every step the stranger took towards him, Chan could make out his body even better.
He quickly got a little intimidated at the thought of instructing someone with such a great physique. Although he wasn't a hundred percent sure yet whether or not this guy would be his future client or just some random person entering the gym coincidentally right on time, he still made an effort to stand up straight and look as friendly as possible, as the man came closer and closer in seconds.

»Good morning, sir. I'm Changbin, I booked an appointment with trainer Bang«
Suddenly the man was standing right in front of Chan, greeting him loudly, before he could even say his usual client welcoming lines.
»Yes, hello. That's me, personal trainer Bang Chan. It's nice to meet you«
Chan felt like he sounded awkward. He tried to hide his face with a quick bow.
When he looked up again the man was brightly smiling at him.
»It's nice to meet you too, sir«

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