Part 15

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Chan was scared of anything Changbin would do or say next.
So far their appointment had gone by the same as every time but he knew Changbin would bring something up any second now.

Although he did seem pretty cool about it.
From the second he entered, up until now, nothing seemed to be off about him.
Maybe back then was so drunk, he didn't even remember?
Well, that would probably be the best case.
Chan tried to calm himself down but he could feel he was sweating more than Changbin who was doing his exercises as usual.
He would bring it up any second now, right?

Nothing during exercises and nothing until the end of the appointment.
He said nothing at all.
Just his usual little jokes but Chan couldn't bring himself to laugh.

»Hey, are you feeling alright?«
Changbin must have noticed his anxious mood. He'd say something now, for sure.
»Yeah, of course«
»Really? You don't seem like it?«
He smirked and Chan didn't know how to feel. He just kept quiet.
»You thought I wouldn't notice? I knew you would be nervous about this«
Changbin smiled proudly and Chan started to understand.

He wasn't angry at all, he just seemed encouraged. Chan wasn't sure whether to feel relieved or more scared.
»I'm sorry if I pushed you to anything weird that night«
Chan finally mustered up the courage to talk about it.
»It's fine. Don't worry. But we can just forget about it if that would make you feel better«
It was so astonishing how Changbin was always so cool about everything. Chan really looked up to him sometimes, even in situations like this.
»I think that would be better, yeah«

He was glad they spoke about it. But he couldn't shake the awkward feeling that easily.
Every time he tried to maintain eye contact during their conversation, he couldn't stop himself from briefly glimpsing at his lips.
And a few times right after that, it seemed as if Changbin was grinning extra brightly.
Chan only felt at ease after Changbin had finally left.

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