Part 29

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»I'm happy to finally have you here again.
I couldn't really show you around last time«
As promised, Changbin invited Chan to come to his house with him after his appointment.
»Thanks for having me here«

Chan looked around.
He couldn't remember his last visit that clearly but the inside still felt familiar. It was just a bit cleaner and of course a lot less crowded now.
It felt pretty spacious now that it was just the two of them.
»It must be nice, having all this room for yourself«
»Yeah, I'm really grateful for it... But I don't plan on living here alone forever«
Changbin smiled, seemingly losing himself a bit in fantasy.

»Well... I bet your future boyfriend would also like this place«
The room was a bit too quiet after that.
Chan had intended to just go along but it felt pretty tense now.
Changbin seemed to notice as well.
»Anyways, let me give you a quick tour«

Changbin had plenty of rooms to show.
He had some funny personal stories to share for each room. Chan quickly started feeling comfortable.
As he looked around he was really fond of the interior design. It was pretty monochromatic, not too fancy but still classy. It matched Chan's preference well and hearing Changbin's stories made it feel like a really nice home.

»I'd say we finish this tour off in the kitchen. I'm sure you must be hungry«
Changbin smiled as he led the way into the kitchen.
»Yeah sure«
»It's my turn to cook for you now, you can sit already if you want«
»Are you sure? I could help you«
»It's fine. Please make yourself comfortable«
Changbin started preparing his utensils so Chan took one of the bar stools that were lined up in front of the kitchen island close by.
»Well, then I want to watch at least«
Chan leaned his elbows onto the counter and proposed up his head in his hands while giving Changbin a playful grin.
»Sure, you can help by talking to me to keep me entertained«
Changbin laughed.
»Of course«
Chan happily went along.

Changbin put together a showy healthy meal. Chan was sure, the other was trying to impress him. And admittedly, it worked.
The food didn't only look promising, it tasted delicious as well.
»This is amazing, you should cook for me more often«
»Well, I guess you'll need to come over more often then«
Chan was still feeling playful.
He really liked staying here with Changbin.

»So... what do you want to do now?«
Chan pondered for a second.
»Well, it's best to get some light exercise after a big meal«
He couldn't help but get into his fitness instructor's advice again.
»We could... do some karaoke. That's basically a whole work out. I have some microphones right here, they're connected to the TV«
Changbin thought briefly then got excited over his own idea.

»Is that your idea of exercising?«
»Oh, I always get moving while I sing. I can't hold back when I'm immersed in a song. It's definitely a sport when I do it«
Changbin laughed self-ironically and Chan couldn't help but smile at only the thought of the other breaking into wild dance moves while singing karaoke.
»Alright, sure then«

Changbin chose an upbeat song and handed Chan one of the mics. It felt a bit unusual for Chan at first but he quickly got more into it as he saw how confidently the other sang.
Changbin was definitely hitting some wrong notes but he wasn't discouraged at all.
Chan was impressed. It was so much fun to watch him get all hyped up over the song and confidently stumble over the lyrics. He just had such an energy that made Chan go along with him.

They sang together loudly and had a ton of fun throughout it.
Chan realized the moment felt so right when he locked eyes with the other and saw how happy he was.
Changbin's mistakes only felt endearing and his dance moves were more dorky than embarrassing. It was surprising to see him this way but Chan really liked it.

They sang and danced until it got dark and had the most fun time Chan experienced in a while. None of them seemed to notice the time passing by so quickly but they did slowly start to get exhausted.

During a slower part of the song, Chan decided to take a quick break to catch his breath.
He let himself fall onto the couch close by while Changbin kept singing. The other seemed to have a bit more energy left but when the song finished, he layed down on the free space beside Chan. The couch was big enough to easily fit the two of them comfortably but Chan suddenly felt the need to get a bit closer.
The music instrumentals kept on playing while he sat up a bit more straight, lounging against the backrest. He saw the other was in a similar position, stretching his arms to his sides with his eyes closed.
Chan was surprised the other could go from such high energy to complete shut-down in seconds.
He took the opportunity to slowly scoot over in tiny intervals, trying not to make it obvious he wanted to get close.

He ended up right next to Changbin, their shoulders barely touching but he could already feel a tiny bit of the other's warmth. Chan felt so nervous but an overwhelming urge finally made him brave.
Slowly he leaned more against Changbin's upper body and wrapped one of his arms around him.
He still didn't fully understand what overcame him but he just really felt the need for some more contact.
It just made him feel so comfortable to be close to the other like that.

Chan let his body relax while Changbin started wrapping his arms around him as well.
It truly felt so calm.
Being held like this was the nicest thing Chan had felt in a while.
He felt so warm and at ease.
Chan rested his head on Changbin's chest, feeling the softness of his hoodie.
Despite the music still playing, he could hear the other's heartbeat.
It was steady but a bit unusually fast.

What if Changbin was also feeling a little nervous?
Chan got strangely excited at the thought.
He smiled to himself.
He didn't want to hold back anymore.
A soft giggle left his lips as he cuddled Changbin tightly. The other held him close as well.
Chan felt so protected.

Chan started to get tired. He felt so secure, the nervousness began to fade.
He only had thoughts for Changbin.
Only him.
Chan had his eyes shut but could sense how beautiful the other must look right at that moment.
He could picture how his wavy hair must be a bit messy and how his face would have an expression so peaceful.
And how his skin would look so soft, begging to be touched; to be kissed.
How his eyes would open and send a playful look towards Chan, wishing for something more. Wishing to be loved.

Chan got lost even in the imaginary image of Changbin's dark sparkly eyes.
He felt so at home, so warm, so comfortable, so protected.
Maybe this was really the nicest thing he had ever felt before.
Maybe this was really love.

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