Part 19

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The train tracks squeaked loudly as the metro rolled into the station.
Chan didn't even realize it but him accompanying Changbin home from work had become routine. It was only a few minutes more on the metro for Chan each day and no big inconvenience, especially if it brought him closer to his friend for a little longer.
Changbin entered with a smile as the doors opened and quickly spotted Chan who had as always saved him a seat.

»How was today?«
»As always. Fine but still not great I guess«
Changbin sounded okay but Chan couldn't help but feel a little bad for him.
He didn't want him to be stuck unsatisfied.

Changbin reached out and ruffled through Chan's hair. He must have noticed the concern on his face.
»Don't worry about me, mate. This is the path I chose«
»It's not the path you wanted, though«
»I just have to work a little harder to get to where I want«
As always, Changbin kept staying optimistic.

»So how are things going on the path you actually want to pursue?«
Chan tried to think more positively as well.
»Pretty good actually. I feel inspired to write lately and it feels like the flows are just coming naturally with it«
He smiled proudly and Chan was happy to hear things were going surprisingly well.
»Really? You need to show me some lyrics sometime«
»Sure, I will«
Changbin seemed really confident.
Chan didn't doubt his talents. He knew the man could commit to anything he put his mind to,
so he would for sure be really good at this.

Chan saw the other was smiling through exhaustion again.
Changbin didn't work full time but his job was still really tiring.
»Have you had dinner yet?«
Chan couldn't stop himself from caring for him.
»Not yet, I'm starving«
»We're closer to my place. Do you want to come over? I can cook something up quickly«
Chan asked without thinking. He only cared about making his friend feel better.
»Oh, you don't have to do that, it's fine«
»It's no big effort. You deserve to rest for a bit, just let me cook for you«
Chan didn't fully realize what he sounded like,
he just wanted to make sure Changbin would eat and rest well.
»Alright, fine«
It seemed like Changbin could sense his genuine care. He started to smile as he agreed.

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