Part 13

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Splashing some water on his face helped Chan to calm down a little.
Maybe he only felt this overwhelmed in the first place because the alcohol started to get to him. He only now realized he started to feel a tiny bit dizzy.
Yes, it's all surely just the alcohol.

As he tried to leave the bathroom again, someone blocked his way.
Changbin stood right in front of the door, not letting him through. He seemed a little strange but Chan quickly concluded he must be drunk as well.

After a short awkward second, Changbin finally started talking.
»Hey, there you are«
He sounded happy.
»Have you been looking for me?«
»I need to talk to you«
He laughed and then pushed Chan into the bathroom, closing the door behind them.
Chan was shocked but couldn't say anything.
»Sorry, if I'm weird, maybe I've had a few drinks too many«
Changbin was still giggling and Chan was happy the man seemed to be having fun at least, even when he did seem really drunk.

»We need to be quiet, okay? I need to ask you what you think of Hyunjin. Isn't he so cute?«
Chan started feeling sick to the point where he hated himself for it.
»He seems sweet, yeah«
»Right? He's so dreamy«
Changbin sat down on the bathroom floor.
He let his body fall back onto the wall, his movement seemed tired.
Chan sat down beside him, even when the floor looked uncomfortable.

»So... are you going to tell him how you feel?«
Changbin looked more awake at once.
»No way, never!!«
»It's better if he doesn't know«
Chan was confused.
»But he seems like a good guy«
»He is. He really is, but he's way too good for me. I don't have a chance with him«

Chan felt an awful lot of relief when he heard those words. But of course, he was also concerned for Changbin.
»But you're great as well. I'm sure Hyunjin can see that too«
»Hey, it's sweet of you to say that but it's okay.
I like the friendship I have with Hyunjin but I can tell he doesn't think about me romantically at all. It's fine though. I know he doesn't like me back, it's just fun to dream a little, right?«
Chan started to feel so horribly happy. He really didn't want to feel glad, not at all.
But he couldn't help it.
If Hyunjin wasn't Changbin's number one,
it meant Chan could take the spot.

He only now realized, his vision started to spin a little. The alcohol really got to him now.
He felt dizzy and without thinking he held onto Changbin's arm to stabilize himself.
»Are you okay, Chan?«
Changbin reached out for Chan's head and pulled him down to lean onto his shoulder.
He was so sweet.
»Don't worry, at least we're both drunk. Let's just stay here together until we both feel a little better«

The setting felt so strange; the both of them sitting on the cold bathroom tiles, while music was blasting outside.
Chan didn't even really hear it. He just stared straight forward, watching his view spin around. He didn't know what he was thinking about, his thoughts felt so distorted, but he felt safe.

Neither of them said anything for a while, when suddenly Chan felt Changbin's hand in his own. He looked up to meet the other's eyes and saw a tiny sparkle in them.
»This isn't weird or anything, right?«
Chan spoke up but he wasn't sure how to word his feelings.
»It's okay, as long as it's fine with you«
He wasn't even sure what his question meant but he agreed with Changbin's reply.
This wasn't weird, it felt fine.

Chan slowly wrapped his arm around Changbin's waist and cuddled up to him.
There was nothing weird about two bros just hugging for a little.
He felt so at ease when Changbin held him close.

A few more minutes of silence passed before Changbin spoke up again.
»You're cute when you're like this«
»I'm always cute«
Changbin chuckled and Chan didn't even realize what he said.
»Now what?«
Now what? Chan looked up.

»Do you want to like make out or something?«
Chan was surprised at his own words.
He definitely didn't think before speaking but he felt too unhinged to care.
He kind of liked the idea too much to back out.
»Sure I guess, if you're cool with it«

Chan knew he could get a little touchy when he was drunk and some of his previous party nights had led to way more intimate meetings before.
He just never expected it to happen with Changbin. But he quickly decided today was the day to experiment a little.
Without further hesitation he leaned towards Changbin, to meet his lips.
He couldn't quite tell how it made him feel so he was sure he needed to try for a little longer. Luckily, Changbin didn't want to let him go either.
Chan was pulled tightly close again.
It felt exciting.

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