Part 14

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Chan woke up the next morning, luckily save in his own bed.
He wasn't exactly sure when or how he had gotten back home but he already had way more important things to worry about.

Some repeating scenarios seemed to haunt him in his dreams and made him wake up.
When he realized these dreams were actual pieces of his own memories he started to panic.
How could he have been this careless? Just smooching away on a guy that was supposed to be his "bro"?? And he still had to go into work tomorrow and see that guy he had a make-out session with on the bathroom floor during his own birthday party.
Chan must have seemed so desperate.

He started to feel guilty. He shouldn't have initiated. Just because Changbin was openly gay, it didn't make him just some guy to experiment on. Chan felt so rude and inconsiderate.
He didn't even care about how the situation made him feel, he was mostly worried about Changbin's well-being. Chan was sure his behavior must have felt so disrespectful to him. He was so worried but he also was too scared to even think about a way to apologize.

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