Part 45

241 13 16

Changbin was humming a melodic tune as he held Chan's hand while they walked through the park together.
»You're in such a good mood today, Bunny«
It was a Saturday and Chan suggested the two of them could go for a run. When they met up, Changbin insisted they went to grab some ice cream instead. Chan gave in when Changbin acted extra cute for him.

»I'm just happy I don't have to work over the weekend«
Changbin swayed his free arm energetically while they were walking. The ice cream had been long gone by now.
»Well you won't have to work at all soon if you seriously quit«
»Yeah, I think I've decided to really do so«
Changbin got a little more quiet. He didn't seem too certain about what the future would bring so Chan decided to comfort him.
»Concentrate on the music then. I trust you'll make it work«
Chan wanted to reassure him as much as he could, even when he knew the decision was risky. He was sure Changbin would only get far if he went at this with a focused mindset and a lot of commitment.

»The songs I've published so far are gaining some attention already. If I seriously dedicate myself to this, I can even start earning money with it soon«
Changbin seemed truly happy while talking about his plans so Chan got more and more sure this would be right for him.
»I'm sure your family will be proud seeing you're working so hard for something«
»Hmm... Maybe«
He didn't seem too convinced. From what Chan knew, Changbin always tried his best to impress his family but often had a hard time with that.
»Well I'm always proud of you, Bunny«
If he was set on it, Chan knew it was best to give him the most support possible. Changbin smiled as he looked a bit more confident about chasing his dreams.

»Do you think I'll ever get signed by a label?«
The two of them came to a halt at a bench that was semi-hidden by nature. Scrubs grew all around it, some of them blooming with white and pink roses.
»Who knows what will happen... But maybe that's an alright goal to work towards«
Chan sat down. He heard water peacefully splashing as he looked over the pond far in front of the bench.
Changbin sat down next to him and didn't hesitate to snuggle against him.

»Are you still friends with Hyunjin?«
Chan spoke up after just holding Changbin for a while, enjoying the sunlight.
»Yeah. But I haven't seen him much«
Changbin had his eyes closed. He looked sleepy.
»Do you still like him?«
Chan fully trusted Changbin wouldn't hit on anyone else at this point but he was still curious.
»He's nice and all but I think I've lost sight of him... I got my eyes on someone way better«
Changbin blinked up at Chan whose heart began to melt.
»You're the cutest«
Chan smiled back and held Changbin's head as the man leaned against his neck.

»Do you want to come over later, Hyungie?«
Changbin spoke softly and wrapped his hand around Chan's collar to underline how much he wanted Chan to be there.
»I guess I could«
Chan tried to hide any excitement to tease his boyfriend. Changbin just giggled.
»Actually Channie Hyung... I've had an idea for a while now...«
Chan looked at Changbin attentively as he suddenly got a bit serious. He hesitated at first but then spoke as directly as usual.
»Well we already spend each day with each other and I thought... maybe we could move in together«

Chan was a bit surprised. He had been thinking about this as well but he wasn't sure about it.
He felt a heavy commitment like that was pretty soon for their relationship.
But at the same time maybe it wouldn't make a huge difference after all.
Changbin went on while Chan was still in thought.
»I mean I would just love it if I could have you with me in my house. And you wouldn't have to pay rent anymore«
Chan wouldn't mind giving up on his small apartment that much but he knew he would feel uncomfortable living off of Changbin in his house.
Changbin noticed him hesitate and he seemed to know what he thought about.
»The house belongs to my parents and they let me live there for free so you wouldn't owe me anything. They can afford it, trust me«
He laughed and the situation felt a bit less tense.

»I mean maybe...«
Chan eventually decided to just go along without overthinking. He did like how the idea of it sounded. He would love to wake up next to Changbin each morning, to cook meals together or cuddle on the couch in the evenings. To just have a home together. It all sounded so lovely.
»Maybe I would like to try«
Chan's smile was a bit more convincing than his words as he spoke.
He really did like the idea, he was sure as he thought it over one last time.

»But I think I should meet your parents before I live in their house«
Chan met Changbin's eyes.
He sounded excited but quickly collected himself.
»I mean, yeah. I'm sure they would like you«
It was noticeable how happy he was to hear Chan wanted to take this step.
It would be yet another step in making their relationship more solid.

»You know Binnie, we still have so much ahead of us«
Chan held Changbin's hand as he thought about all of the steps in their relationship that were still to come.
»I'm so glad we do«
Changbin looked over and then kissed Chan's cheek. Suddenly the future felt so bright and less uncertain.
Chan had been scared of committing to all of this but he realized following his heart was the right decision and falling in love had been worth every second so far.

Chan was still holding Changbin in his arms.
»I'm curious though... when did you start falling for me?«
Chan was surprised by his own bravery to ask such questions. Changbin thought for a second before replying.
»Well... I thought you were cute from when we first met but I didn't think we would come this far back then«
He explained his feelings so sweetly.
»I was always fond of you and before I knew it, we ended up closer than ever. Like everything just transcended into love along the way«

»You said that so beautifully«
Chan secretly wondered what kind of love songs Changbin could come up with with those well-spoken words.
»I think it was the same for me. I admired you from the start but never knew it was so much more than just that«
Changbin giggled.
»Well I still admire you now. I like you so much and I love you even more, Binnie«
Chan didn't know what had gotten into him but suddenly all these words came out so easily.
He liked feeling more free with Changbin, not having to hide his thoughts, and discovering new emotions constantly.

»You're right my Bunny, I'm also glad we still have so much ahead of us«
Chan thought about everything awaiting him.
He hoped to discover more sides of Changbin, how his moods could shift, and what surprises he still had in stock.
»I feel like I can do anything when I'm with you«
Chan didn't feel any shame in going on and on about how he was looking forward to the future. He felt excited to start working on music projects with Changbin, letting his own teenage self live up again in producing. He felt excited about coming to work hand in hand with his boyfriend and slowly revealing their relationship to his coworkers.
»You have no idea how happy I am to have you with me«
He was excited to meet Changbin's parents and would try to leave a good impression. And he was excited to live with Changbin, maybe soon if the circumstances allowed.
»I'm so happy you showed me true love«

Chan noticed how suspiciously quiet his usually so loud Bunny had been. He looked down to see Changbin had fallen asleep in his arms right here on the park bench surrounded by flowers.
How cute, Chan thought and the moment felt so peaceful.
He brushed through Changbin's hair, careful not to wake him.
»Thanks for being with me«
He quietly whispered, still not done with loving words for his Binnie.
The sunlight hit the younger man's face and Chan couldn't get enough of looking at him.
How incredibly cute.

Gym Bros by @SeungminsBF
For @elio0_0o

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