Part 22

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»That girl just now, what's her name??«
Chan had just finished with his first client session of the day.
Changbin was only his second client but Chan had managed to drag him along to the gym at the start of his shift.
Changbin wasn't too excited about having to wait his turn but he kept his distance and let Chan do his job.

But now, the other came by immediately after the appointment was over.
The woman hadn't even left the gym yet but Changbin seemed very curious about her.
»Her name is Natalie. She grew up in Australia, just like me«
»Natalie, huh?«
Changbin looked like he was deep in thought before he went on.
»She looked young and fit. And you two have something in common.... she's definitely pretty.... Do you like her?«

Chan was caught off guard.
»You must find her cute, right?«
Chan tried to read the other's face but he couldn't figure out where he was trying to go with this.
»She's nice and all. She's athletic and good company.
But I definitely don't like her like that.... if that's what you mean«
Chan was still so confused but tried to answer as best as he could.
»Are you sure?«
»Listen, I would never try to hit on a client. That just doesn't seem right to me«
He was being honest. He never had any romantic intentions when working with clients at all.

»Well... that seemed different to me, that day at the party«
Changbin hadn't even finished his sentence when Chan realized his chosen words were a crucial mistake. He had forgotten about one particular client but only noticed when it was too late.
Chan could feel his face turning cherry red in embarrassment.
»That's... that's not what I meant«
»Yeah, sure. I get it. It's different with me because I'm so irresistible«
Chan hid his face behind his hands.
He wanted to disappear but of course, he had to stay in reality when yet another person appeared.

»Hi, Mister Bahng«
She had come back from the locker room after getting changed and it looked like she was on her way to leave.
Chan tried to keep it together so she wouldn't get suspicious.

»I just wanted to thank you again, Sir. I feel like I'm improving a lot, all thanks to you Mister Bahng«
She winked at the last sentence but Chan barely noticed.
»Yeah, sure. Of course. I'm glad you're satisfied. Keep it up!«
Chan tried his best to sound encouraging and it seemed like it worked.
Natalie smiled and thanked him once again.
»I'll be off then. See you next time«
She smiled extra brightly and waved on her first few steps before turning around and cheerfully heading for the exit.

»Yeah she's definitely into you«
Chan was about to exhale in relief as she left when Changbin already had to give his opinion again.
»Come on stop it already«
»Did you not see the way she looked at you??«
Chan rolled his eyes.
»She was just being nice«
»You're really oblivious, aren't you?«
He was sure Changbin didn't really mean to be insulting but he still somehow felt a little offended.

»I just don't like her like that«
Every conversation was a little surprising with Changbin.
»Just stay away from her then«
»I still have to do my job«
»I know, I know, that's not what I mean.
Just don't try anything with her«
Chan wasn't too sure how much Changbin was joking anymore.
»I'm not going to. But still, why not?«

»You're mine«
Chan's heart skipped a beat... or two, or three.
Just when he thought the redness in his face was about to fade...
At least Changbin was laughing now.
»I just need to make sure I'm still your favorite client. That's all«
Chan felt overwhelmed but couldn't just give in.
»Who said you were?«
Changbin smiled.
»If I'm not, I'll make sure to earn it«

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