Part 6

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»You can sit down already, I'll order us some drinks«
How sweet.
Chan felt honored to be treated so nicely.
»I'll just have an espresso, please«

Chan chose a table towards the wall side.
The café was small and very modern looking.
The tables were made from dark wood and the cushion chairs were very comfortable despite their blocky shape. Chan had never been here before even though it was close to the gym.
He had never really noticed the place but Changbin said they had really good coffee.
The man also sat down at the table after speaking to the lady at the counter.

Chan hesitated for a second but finally settled on a topic to talk about.
»So... how come you're always free at times like this. Don't you have a job to be at?«
He tried his best not to sound rude in any way, he was just genuinely curious.
»Actually, I don't«
Changbin laughed loudly while Chan questioned if he had been too direct.

»I'm currently unemployed«
»Oh I see«
Chan wondered if he should apologize for asking something like that but Changbin didn't seem too troubled.
»I studied law but I realized it's not really the right thing for me. So right now I'm kind of trying to find something I'm passionate about«
»Oh really?«
Surprisingly he seemed to be completely fine about it. He really was as chill as Chan envisioned.
»You know, I'm lucky my family is quite well off so I don't have to worry much. But I also don't want to sit around and do nothing«

Before Chan could respond, a young man came up to their table, serving an espresso, an iced latte, and a little plate with some cookies.

»I hope you like chocolate chip as much as I do«
Changbin spoke up after the waiter had left.
»Sure I do, but as your personal trainer I'm obligated to tell you not to overdo it with the sweets«
»Of course«
They both chuckled and Chan was happy Changbin took his comment light-heartedly.
The man took a sip of his drink before continuing the conversation from earlier where they had left off.

»So I was about to tell you what I'm trying out right now«
»Oh yes sure, go ahead«
Chan was excited to learn more. He loved making new friends and was happy to finally get closer to Changbin.
»It's a little weird but I wanted to get into songwriting and rapping. It's hard to make a living out of it but it's something I really like to do«

Chan felt like he had been told something very intimate. It made his heart flutter a tiny bit.
»Oh no that isn't weird! Actually, I tried making some music myself some years ago«
They both laughed again and Chan was so pleased the conversation was going well.
He also felt a little nostalgic now, being reminded of how he used to try making songs, way back in high school.
It made him feel strangely comforted, like he was talking to an old friend.

»Hey that's cool. You should try to pick up on that hobby again some day«
»Maybe I really should, huh? I'll try to look for my old tracks when I have the time to«
Chan felt oddly at ease, talking about an old hobby he hadn't revealed to many.
Changbin's bold energy encouraged him to be very open as well. Being around him felt great. Chan hoped to spend more time with him soon. He didn't want to be pushy but secretly wished to be invited to hang out more often.
He already had many other treasured friendships but he was really drawn to Changbin in a new way.
For a second it even felt a little concerning.

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