Part 12

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Today was a big day for Chan.
The day of Changbin's party had come around so quickly. Chan tried his best not to worry about it but he ended up being way more anxious than he expected.
He usually liked going out and partying but today was a little different. He felt uneasy about meeting all of Changbin's friends, all at once.
He knew he needed to leave a good impression.

Chan could already hear music and some people talking as he got closer to the address Changbin had sent him.
He took a final turn and could see a modern-looking house. He was impressed that Changbin owned his own house, while he himself could only afford a rather small apartment.
But the area was rather rural so houses must be cheaper here... and he did mention he was financially supported by his family.
Well it didn't matter much, it was time to enter now.

There was no one out front but Chan could hear a lively party on the inside and also in the backyard.
He got closer to ring the doorbell and after a few seconds, the door swung open.
Two young men greeted him and let him enter.
The music inside was loud but it was fun and upbeat; it made Chan feel a little more at ease. He was hoping to see Changbin already but he figured the man must be having fun somewhere around the house. He decided to go look for him and greet him as well.

He spent a few minutes looking around inside. There were even more people than Chan expected but the mood seemed to be pretty great. The other guests looked like they were having an amazing time and Chan's mood got better as well just by looking around.
He felt more excited when he spotted Changbin in a group of people in the living room.
As he walked up to him, the man must have noticed him as well. He got up and came towards him, smiling brightly.
He greeted Chan with a tight hug which was a little surprising. He did seem a bit drunk already but maybe he did it rather because the setting was more personal.
Either way, Chan felt happy to see him and Changbin seemed to feel the same way.
He thanked Chan for coming and started to introduce him to the people he had been talking to before.

Chan quickly got to know some very nice people. He was happy to meet so many of Changbin's friends. Most of them seemed to be really great. It didn't take long for him to get comfortable around them and he also got a little more courageous after having some drinks.

Later, a tall guy with longer hair came by. Changbin introduced him as Hyunjin and Chan remembered their conversation about him.
He was extremely handsome but he also seemed really sweet and funny. Chan could definitely see why Changbin would find him attractive.
The pretty man smiled with every word he spoke, especially when talking to Changbin.

Chan felt a stinging pain in his stomach.
He tried to deny it with all his might but at this point he knew, it was definitely jealousy.
Chan felt annoyed with himself.
He found jealousy was such a childish emotion, yet he still caught himself getting agitated every time Changbin glanced over at Hyunjin.
His feelings got confusing way too quickly, he couldn't stand it anymore. His stomach was aching and he couldn't thing straight, he needed a break.
Quietly, he got up to head for the bathroom.

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