Part 2

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Chan felt uneasy during his first appointment with Changbin.
He felt nervous when he let the man fill out different papers to sign a contract with the gym and he felt nervous during his first discussion with Changbin about the particular goals he would like to reach during training.
He still felt nervous when they began training lessons. And the nervousness didn't even wear off towards the end.

During Changbin's last few repetitions, Chan lost himself in thought. He couldn't explain his uneasy feeling to himself. He had never struggled with nervousness so badly with any other client.
He guessed it must surely be because the man already seems so experienced. He is in great shape and doesn't need much guidance during training.
Chan felt intimidated to train someone who already seemed to be doing well. He wasn't sure how to help someone like that improve.

During their previous discussion, Changbin explained that he does already work out regularly but he felt like he was slacking lately. He didn't want to risk falling off and he felt like a personal trainer would help him stay on track.
Chan smiled to himself. He was suddenly inexplicably happy, Changbin had decided to come here even when he didn't desperately need it.
"Strength and muscles aren't everything. I must help him find the best of himself while staying healthy."

Chan tried to explain his happiness with newly gained confidence. He had been feeling uncertain before but it started to become clearer to him, how much of a purpose he had, even while training someone so seemingly perfect. 

Chan was woken from his thoughts by a loud groan coming from his new client. Changbin was on his last set of upright rows and Chan was supposed to direct him.
»Only two more, come on«
He hadn't actually counted the exact number of repetitions but he felt like two was the right amount to fully utilize Changbin's energy.
The man finished the exercise with two more vocal exclamations. He was a little loud during training but it wasn't strange or obnoxious. Many people used their voices to reach their full potential, especially during the last repetitions.

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