Part 44

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»One of my clients extended their schedule by the way«
The two loverboys had been talking about all kinds of stuff while Changbin stretched after his workout.
»Oh so do you have to work more now?«
It was another regular day at the gym, with just the slight difference that Chan was here with his boyfriend now.
»Yeah but that's a good thing«
Changbin looked at him confused.
»I'll never understand you«
Chan laughed to himself at the thought of the spoiled kid Changbin not understanding the value of hard work.
He thought it was kind of endearing though and he was happy the man was able to live this comfortably.

»Aw my Bunny, I need the extra money to pay rent«
Chan patiently explained while brushing through the other's hair.
»You wouldn't need more money if I just bought everything for you«
Chan just laughed. He didn't want to get into finances with Changbin.

»Isn't it ironic? How I'm the guy with the money even when you're the guy with the job?«
Changbin went on with his philosophies.
»Well you also have a job though?«
Chan didn't get upset or anything over Changbin's remarks even when they were worded a bit iffy. Chan's job was his passion so he never complained much about work and he was sure Changbin didn't try to provoke him.
He genuinely just didn't seem to understand much about money.
»About that...«
Changbin suddenly sounded a bit off and Chan instantly felt alarmed.
»God Binnie don't tell me you've quit«
»No I haven't!!«
Changbin defended himself but then added a quiet »yet«

»Are you going to?«
Chan still wasn't mad at him but now he got rather concerned.
»Well... I thought about it. I just really really don't want to do this anymore. Would it be okay with you?«
Chan noticed Changbin had been trying to hide how troubled he was by this.
»Oh Binnie, this is something you need to decide for yourself. I'm just worried because when you first walked in here, you told me you were looking for more routine and stability in your life«
Chan grabbed Changbin's hand, not worrying if anyone would see.
Changbin sounded almost a bit ashamed now. His mood switched so fast sometimes.
»But if this job is really doing more harm than good, then maybe it's for the better if you leave this all behind and open yourself up for something new«

Changbin seemed a little better at once.
»Well, to be honest, I'd really love to focus on music now. It's not the most stable option, I know... but it's something I'm really passionate about. I saved some money from work and I think it will be enough to get something started without my family's help«
Changbin smiled again and Chan couldn't help but get lost in those pretty eyes of his.
»If that's really what you want to do, I'll support you through it! I think it's great you want to be more independent, Binnie. And Im sure more people will discover your talent«
Changbin looked away shyly.
»Would you really do this with me? I mean you can keep looking over my songs if you want«
»Oh I'd be so honored to do so«
Chan hugged Changbin tightly, hoping he was making the right decision. Chan was worried but he also meant every encouraging word he said.

Changbin was Chan's last client for the day, he liked to come in in the evenings on the days he didn't work at the law firm. Chan liked wrapping up his shift while his boyfriend was around.
After Chan grabbed his key from the counter, he joined Changbin in the locker room to get changed.
The man had already taken a shower and Chan was about to do the same when he stopped to get a quick glance at Changbin.
He was only wearing sweatpants and a towel around his neck, water was still forming drops on his chest.
He winked and Chan lost himself.

»You're so aware of how incredibly hot you look, right?«
Chan just couldn't resist. He came closer to let his hand slide onto Changbin's hip, the wetness of his skin feeling cold on Chan's fingers.
»To be honest, yes«
Chan was reminded of how the man's confidence was his most attractive feature.
At once, he was grabbed by the waist and pushed back against the wall of lockers.
He loved every second of it and just hoped no one had heard the noise.

»You're making my heart race«
Anticipation built up in Chan's stomach, he hoped to encourage whatever Changbin had in mind.
»I love doing so«
It seemed to work well; Changbin left no space between the two of them and started kissing all over Chan's neck. Changbin held one hand on Chan's shoulder and gradually pushed him down a bit so they would see eye to eye.
Fear and thrill rushed through Chan's entire body, he could feel his legs starting to give up on him. Changbin only continued his stride, kissing up to his lips and locking Chan tightly in his grip.

So this was love?
Chan could barely keep his breath as he felt Changbin's tongue on his.
All concerns completely left his mind as Chan gave himself all up for his boyfriend. He didn't even worry about anyone seeing, he just got lost between breaths and touches.
He didn't hold back anymore and let his fingers scratch over Changbin's back as the man pressed him tightly against the lockers and continued to make him feel loved.

»What has gotten into you lately?«
Chan began to whisper as Changbin let kisses travel down his neck again to his collarbone, still holding him firmly.
»I hope I'm not just a stress reliever to you«
Changbin stopped for a second and smiled at the remark.
»Don't worry, I'll always love you like this, no matter what mood I'm in«
He underlined his statement by letting a hand slide under Chan's shirt and slightly digging his nails into his waist.
Chan let out a tiny whine, less at the pain and rather at the dramatic love declaration.
He used the last bit of control he had left of his body to hug against Changbin, catching his breath.

He was overwhelmed and couldn't get enough at the same time.
»I'll let you shower in peace, darling«
Changbin winked and backed away slightly.
Chan felt grateful for this boundary, he wasn't sure if he could've taken much more.

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