Part 39

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It was Saturday evening, 7:57 pm.
Chan was wearing white for the special occasion. The soft fabric revealed a pearl necklace decorating his collar.
He held his jacket on his arm even when the breeze was starting to get to him.
Chan was admiring the stars so he didn't even notice Changbin's Hyundai pull up until it was right in front of him.
Changbin got out of the car to greet him warmly and then opened the door for him to get in.
Chan smiled at the man's good manners, even when it was more than he would ask for.

Chan looked over at Changbin as he was driving. The flashing lights of traffic hit the fabric off his clothes over and over, making him reflect in pale colors between the darkness of night.
He moved his fingers so gracefully and Chan noticed three silver rings sparkling on his right hand. He thought they matched with the silver bracelet Chan decided to wear on his left wrist today. Chan looked further up and saw a delicate brooch on one side of Changbin's black jacket.
He smiled at the thought of the usual sporty casual Changbin dressing so nicely for their date.

They arrived at the Italian restaurant Changbin had picked. The waiter led them to a table with candles that created romantic lighting and a singular red rose in a vase in the middle. White tablecloth pleaded down from it creating a perfect elegance.
Chan decided it was his turn to be a gentleman and he pulled Changbin's chair back before he sat down. They both laughed at it afterward.
Chan liked how the vibe between them was so sweet.
He ordered the tortellini after Changbin recommended it to him.
When Chan finally got to taste the meal after having a pleasant conversation with his date, it tasted exceedingly delicious.

They had a wonderful time together at the restaurant and Chan enjoyed every moment he shared with Changbin. He liked how the man ate so well and he thought Changbin looked particularly good while eating.
Chan felt so at ease as he finally allowed himself to find everything Changbin said or did charming and attractive.
He was just so cool and adorable at the same time. Chan fell for his duality.

»Was it as good as I promised?«
Changbin took Chan's empty plate and stacked all of their dishes together neatly for the waiter to pick it up easier.
»Even better!«
Chan fell for him even more as he saw the candlelight reflect in his eyes.
»I had a great time with you tonight«
Changbin smiled shyly and Chan suddenly felt brave.
»So then, do you want to keep this night going?«
Changbin smirked as a response and then called the waiter over to pay.

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