𝟐𝟔: new deal pt 1

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𝟐𝟔: new deal part one "because i'm not impressed

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𝟐𝟔: new deal part one
"because i'm not impressed."

A low groan escaped his lips, his head hanging low as he slowly regained consciousness. His vision cloudy, blinking slowly trying to make out his surroundings. Becoming quickly aware as a hose doused him in water.

"Morning sunshine." The woman said in a mock cheerful tone, as she turned off the hose. "Did you have a nice nap?"

Jacob growled lowly, as he pulled against his restraints around his wrists that were hooked against a metal indoor gate. "When I get out of these chains i'm going to rip you to pieces." He snarled at her.

The woman only laughed at him, raising a brow at him. "It's a nice sentiment, but you won't be going anywhere unless I allow you to."

"Who the fuck are you!?" Jacob growled, his eyes glaring murderously at the woman now sitting in a chair a few feet in front of him. "What do you want from me?"

"Rafaela, but please Rafa." She held a small smirk on her lips, as she spoke. "As for the second question.. I want answers." She crossed a leg over the other, one of her hands holding a controller. "And if I don't like your answer.." She trailed off as she sent a small shock through his body. "Then i'll have some fun."

His teeth gritted together slightly as he felt the shock through his body. "What could I possibly know that you had to kidnap me for?" The wolfsbane coursing through his veins delaying his reactions slightly.

"The beast. You've heard of him no?" Rafa questioned, a brow raising at the young werewolf. "Maybe the name will help.. Nikolai Mikaelson." Her finger hovered over the button, keeping her brow raised. "The Original that possessed your body, the hybrid that ruined your relationship with the doppelgänger lover.."

"The beast is a little on the nose isn't it?" Jacob chuckled dryly, his eyes still glaring at her. "I don't know anything about him, besides he's literally the worst person in the world. But your coming close to being equal with him." He snipped, a fake smile flashing across his lips.

"Maybe." She shrugged, before raising a brow once more. "But, it's the truth. Everyone believes that Klaus is the bigger bad of the two brothers.. but they haven't met Nikolai." Rafa admitted, her fingers tapping against her thigh. "You have a mouth on you little werewolf." Her tongue clicking against the roof of her mouth in disappointment. "Normally I like people with fire, but unfortunately for you.." She trailed off, before sending volts of electricity through his body.

Jacob gritted his teeth, low groans leaving his lips as his body shook wildly from the electricity. His hands gripping his restraints.

After a few moments of watching him shake, Rafa let go of the controller. "You have an idea of what Nikolai is like.. What exactly did he reveal to you while possessing your body?" She questioned.

Jacob let out pants of uneasy breaths, as his head hung low for awhile. "Like I told you, I don't know anything. That whole time Nikolai was in control of my body, it was like a big black void for me." He told her, his head slowly lifting back up. His breathing starting to even out once again.

"Do you honestly think that's true? Come on Jacob dig deeper in that brain of yours, there must be something you remember." Rafa told him, her brows furrowing as she studied him. "You know about Nikolai using your body to have sex with Damon.. deep down you had to feel something."

"I don't know!" He growled in annoyance, his eyes turning into a glare again. "It was a black void, nothing else." He hissed. The mention of Damon and Nikolai struck a nerve, but he hid the fact as to not give her any more leverage over him. "How do you know all this? How do you know me? How do you know the Mikaelson's?" He questioned.

She sighed softly, before pressing down on the controller. "We're not talking about me, Jacob. This is about what you know." Rafa told him, watching in slight amusement as he tried fighting the volts of electricity.

"Fine!" He yelled at her, as he leant forward slightly. His head leaned back against the chain gate once she had turned the voltage off. His jaw hanging open slightly. Jacob could feel the veins in his arms and his neck protruding out.

When she had been electrocuting him, he had felt the cuffs around his wrists starting to burn. In that moment he knew what he had to do, even if it meant more pain for him.

He let out a amused laugh, as he locked eyes with her. His head tilting slightly to the side, as a smirk crossed his lips.

"Nikolai must really scare you if you're torturing me for leverage against him." Jacob said, keeping the smirk on his lips. "Is this really the best you got?" He chuckled softly, before tsking at her. "Because i'm not impressed."

Rafaela's jaw clenched slightly at him laughing at her. "You don't know anything about me, or my relationship with Nikolai."

"Don't I?" He snickered, continuing to push his limits. "Your clearly afraid of him, otherwise you would've made your presence known when he was in town."

"You have a mouth on you, little werewolf." She rolled her eyes, before once again turning on the voltage at a higher level.

He grunted, as he felt his body shake once again. "He clearly doesn't care about y-you! Your n-nothing to him!" Jacob noted that he clearly hit a nerve, as he felt the highest voltage surge through him. However this has been what he wanted in the first place, the pain was what had triggered his werewolf side.

His eyes glowed a bright amber color, a loud roar leaving his throat as he broke through the cuffs around his wrists. Jacob surged forward, knocking her down to the ground his fangs barring at her.

Rafaela seemed unbothered by being knocked down the ground by the werewolf, her eyes never wavering from him. "I see why Nikolai chose you as his host. Now get off of me." She huffed, before pushing him away with her strength.

Jacob held a confused look on his face, as his features returned back to normal. When she pushed him off, he slowly pushed himself up to stand. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means your stronger than you may think." Rafa told him, as she moved towards the staircase. "It also means that you passed the first test."

"Test!?" Jacob scoffed, as he slowly moved to follow her. "You torturing me, was a test!? What kind of sick psychopath are you?"

"The kind that attracted Nikolai Mikaelson to." Rafa smirked. "Don't be dramatic, I had to see what you were made of."

"Attracted how?" He questioned, as he followed her upstairs. "By sending thousands of volts of electricity through my body!?"

Rafaela let out a small snicker, as she turned her head to look at him for a few seconds. "Yes." She nodded. "Before you ask why.. It's because I think we can help each other."

"Help each other how?" Jacob questioned, not trusting her fully. "I don't even know you, I don't know anything but your first name and that you have a history with Nikolai Mikaelson."

"With the thing that you've been craving since you were nineteen.." Rafa trailed off, a small smirk on her lips. "I'll help you find and kill the hunters that killed your family, if you help me with killing Nikolai Mikaelson."

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