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An: from here starts the story of their youth, 8 years ago to where it all started when she was shining bright in her 17 and he was waiting at his 18.


Oh no- It was my first kiss!!! 

Elina widened her eyes as soon as she realized her mistake. The boy was unable to move due to the shock he received from the sudden clash he had a few seconds ago. At the same time, Jiya and Ross had their mouth wide open.

Elina soon tried to get up and finally, she stood up as she bowed as an apology and due to the extreme embarrassment ran away somewhere she didn't even know with Jiya following her from behind. 

The boy still laid down perplexed as to how but, soon came back to realization as Ross went to help him "Here" Ross said as passed his hand towards the guy to stand but he seemed to reject it as he stood "No thanks I can stand by myself" 

"Okay~ Chill dude!! I was helping you-" he said as he laughed awkwardly while Kevin looked at him seriously as he spoke

"I am as chilled as I should be and I never asked for your help" he said and walked towards his class "Woah that hurt" Ross said as he dramatically held his heart but then scoffed with a smile "I bet he must be embarrassed as hell but, look at him then too managing to stay cold, I wonder when he will change well," he said as he shook his head and went to his class.


"Damn it!! It was my first kiss and I lost to someone I don't even know!!!!" She said and stomped her feet while pacing the washroom and suddenly stopped

"Wait- what if he bullies me about it??? But he looked good, he had got those perfect features especially his lips- wait what the hell am I saying" Elina said and shook her head and placed her head on her palms

Just then Jiya arrived inside washroom and said her "Oh my goodness!! Elina are you crying???" She came near her, just then Elina exclaimed "But, practically it wasn't a kiss right!!?? It was just a peck?" she questioned as she pulled her hairs in frustration. 

"Calm down!! And just tell me clearly what you are so tensed about??" Jiya said while widening her eyes. "I am just tensed that- what if he tries to bully me or take any advantage of me??" she asked while raising her brows and biting her lips in tension. 

"Look as far as I know him, he won't take any advantage of yours but- I can't assure about anything else if it would've been his first kiss~" she said with a small nervous smile

"Urgh!!!!!" Elina said as she pulled her hairs in frustration 

"How will I face him now?!! I am going to stay away from him!!!" she said as she shook her head "But-" Jiya was about to speak but Elina interrupted her "No buts Jiya, I won't means I won't." she said while Jiya sighed as she shook her head "Fine don't listen to me!!" Jiya said while Elina frowned "What happened now??" she asked while Jiya shook her head "Nothing!! You discover it by yourself!!" Jiya said while Elina was unable to understand but just shook her head not wanting to stress her brain more 

"By the way what is his name??" 



Elina soon came to the art room after having a calm down session with Jiya; as she came, she saw the class was full but luckily found a seat and took it without even glancing at her partner. Well even her partner wasn't that bother to look at her-

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