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Kevin Pov:

I was going but then I realized I had forgotten my book at the library. I came back but then I saw Jason with that girl. I can't let him misuse or hurt someone for no reason which is why I shouted his name as I went to him and punched him hard to make him come back to his senses.

He had to get this hit from me, I can't let him use someone who has no fault...

End of Kevin's POV

Elina was beyond shock as she saw Kevin punch Jason. She dramatically gasped as she covered her wide mouth with her palm.

Jason's face turned towards the right side due to the strong punch that he got just now, he touched the corner of his lips as he felt a little blood; he scoffed as he wiped the blood and then looked up with a smirk which soon changed into a glare as he punched Kevin harder which caused his lips to bleed too. 

"How dare you beat me?" Jason said after punching Kevin still glaring at him.

Kevin looked at Jason's eyes then pulled him by his collar as he said "Trust me, Jason, I am warning you not to make some decision based on whatever you think; I don't want you to hurt someone who does not fault this" Kevin said as he looked into Jason's eyes warning him. 

Jason just laughed with a scoff "Look who's talking about trust?" he removed Kevin's hands from his collar; and punched Kevin again, making him stumble back; he was about to hit again but, just then one of their teachers arrived.

"What is going on!!?" Their math teacher Mr. Day; who was called to the library by the librarian asked them as he was passing by.

"It's you again? Who did you fight this time with?" Day asked Jason who took his hand down. "Kevin?" he suddenly hit Jason as he continued to speak "How dare you beat him!! Poor him, look at his wounds!!" Day said while looking towards Kevin ignoring the fact that even Jason had a cut on his lip.  

"I am sure it was you who started the fight!! Apologise to him now!!" Day said as he looked towards Jason who just rolled his eyes as he fixed his shirt's collar, Kevin spoke interrupting him "Sir, actually it was me who started the fight and not him-"

"What?" he cleared his throat as he spoke "Okay okay no problem!! I- just cleared your matter no need to go to the dean or anyone. And you!!" He said pointing towards Jason "You better come on the right path!!" he said as he went away while saying "And all of you go back to your work!!" he then went. 

While Jason purposely bumped into Kevin's shoulder while glaring at him as he left; and Ross too seemed to join him from the other way whereas, Kevin just sighed as he looked up and eventually just went away.


"What the hell was that!? Why did they even fight???" Elina asked herself as she came back to life. She then looked towards her right and saw Kevin going from there she ran behind him and came out "Kevin!!" she called him, while he stopped and turned back as he looked towards her with a frown.

She quickly came near him and looked down trying to catch breath due to excess running as she asked him "Why did you guys fight?"

Kevin sighed as he looked at other side "You don't have to be worried about it. And you better stay away-" 

"Hell!! Your wounds are bleeding" Elina interrupted Kevin in between, as soon as she saw his wound.

"It is fine-" Kevin said which however went in vain as Elina didn't bother to hear, and asked a random boy passing by there. 

"Excuse me where is the medical?" she asked him while he replied her to take a left to which she thanked him. Whereas when she was talking, Kevin shook his head as he was about to go to other direction but she suddenly went to him and pulled him by his hand even if it was quite a difficult task. Because Kevin's 6'1 body was bit of a task for our 5'2 Elina.

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