Happy Birthday

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-"Where are you?" 

-"Come out, come out!" my mother sang as she looked for me.

I was hiding under the table, my hands covering my mouth trying to stop the sound of my giggles from coming out.

-"Come on out, I'm coming to get you!" she hummed out, half laughing.

She was getting closer to my hiding spot so I began to move slowly towards the tent, but as predicted she looked under the table, surprised and placing a stun expression to find me not there.

-"Where are you my little rascal, where is my birthday boy, hm?" she questioned as she got up.

-"I'm gonna gobble him up when I find him!"

I began to run quietly towards the back of the tent until I felt some arms grab at my waist from behind.

-"I found you!" she exclaimed and began to tickle me.

-"I'm going to eat you, om nom nom"

As I laughed I could hear my fathers loud footsteps as they got closer to us from behind. To my relief he placed his bow on the table causing my mother to stop her tickling.

-"Oh, Fergus! No weapons on the table!" she exclaimed while helping me up from her lap.

Once up I ran to the table trying to pull the bow off, but my attempts only ended in me falling backwards with the bow on my lap keeping me down.

-"Can I shoot an arrow, can I, can I, can I? Please!" I exclaimed excitedly as I tried to get up but failed miserably.

-"Not with that!!" he said as he lifted his bow off from me, giving me a chance to finally get up.

-"Why not use your very own!!" he exclaimed as he pulled a small bow from behind him.

-"Happy birthday, my wee lad'!!" he told me as he passed the bow.

I hugged my bow and spun around happily,  looking up at my parents I hugged their legs.

-"Can I try it out now?" I asked while trying to calm down my excitement.

-"Yes laddie, now come on" he replied while pulling me to a target.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter! 


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