Search for the Wisps and Witch

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We have been traveling for a while now, but we stopped when we got to a circular ring made of stones. Merid dismounted and helped me down. He mumbled as he called out for the wisps, I leaned against one of the stone pillars playing with my necklace and Elinor was just looking around, sniffing the air.

-"Oh, where are these wisps!" he called out and slumped onto the ground beside me

-"Come out, come out!"

-"Come on out! Lead me to the witch's cottage!"

I almost lost my balance when he mentioned witches' cottage, mom mentioned that in her journal, and in the story.

-"Witches cottage, that's where we're going?" I asked.

-"Yes, the old witch gave me the cake, said it would change my fate," he huffed in annoyment, not wanting his mom to change in to a bear but clearly something else.

-"I'm here! Fine! Don't come out now that mom and Y/n are here!" he continued to yell.

-"It's okay Merid, we'll find them and I believe you, if you are referring to a blue ghost thingy then I saw them too they lead me to my they lead me somewhere too"

Merid looked at me confused for my sudden stop but before he could say anything Elinor began to growl and walked into the forest. We followed and called out to her but she just kept walking until Merid said he recognized the path and got us in front of the witches cottage. We walked in but it was dark and empty.

-"No! She was here... Oh! Wait!" he stopped and pushed us out and snapped his fingers and opened the door, but the emptiness still remained. 

He continued this various times until I got curious and walked in, not looking where I was going and I almost tripped on a rope. It rang a bell and random sounds were heard until a knife was thrown my way, but luckily Merid pulled me just in time. 

He kept me close to him the rest of the time, which I didn't mind because I didn't want any more knives thrown at me. We turned when a cauldron made a green puff of smoke, we walked towards it waiting to see what it did.

-"Welcome to the crafty Carver!" The witch made of smoke who popped out of the cauldron greeted. She talked about carvings and wedding toppers or something, until finally she talked about Merid.

-"If you're that red-haired lad, vial three!" she said, and Merid scrambled forward and poured the vial in before she could continue her options.

-"Prince, I'm off to the Wickerman Festival in Stornoway, and won't be back till spring!"

-"There's one bit I forgot to tell you about the spell,"

-"By the second sunrise, your spell will be permanent, unless you remember these words" she said, I felt tears in my eyes, did this mean dad could never be himself she used a different spell...yeah be positive there is surely a way to break it.

-"FATE BE CHANGED, LOOK INSIDE, MEND THE BOND TORN BY PRIDE" she said as the smoke went from green to red and Merid mocked her annoyed.

-"What does that even mean?" he asked.


-"Oh, and thank you for your shopping at the Crafty Carver" she finished and the puff of smoke disappeared.

Merid yelled a 'no' before dumping random vials in hope of her coming back and explaining further. She came back but she wasn't helping, she just kept going on and on about shopping and random stuff until the cauldron started to shake rapidly. Merid turned to me and hugged me tightly and Elinor did the same. The cauldron exploded and the cottage got destroyed in the process. 


I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Sorry for not updating in a while, a ton of stuff came up and I've been incredibly busy, but I think, not making any promises, I'll be able to keep consitent updates, if not at least 3 times a week. 


Brave (Male! Merida x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt