The Truth is Out Part 1

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-"No more talk, no more traditions, we settle this now!" Lord MacGuffin yelled and threw a spear.

-"You're the king! You decide which one of our daughters your son will marry!" Lord Macintosh yelled back and was almost hit with an axe.

-"None of your daughters are fit to marry my son! I already have a daughter-likee and he already has a lover" Fergus yelled and shielded himself from the arrows thrown his way.

-"Oh really, then our alliance is over! This means war!" Lord Dingwall yelled and duked down to avoid arrows.

-"There gonna murder each other!" Merid told Elinor and I.

-"Why are full grown adults so barbaric, isn't there another way to fix it?" I sighed out.

-"You've got to fix it before it's too late" Merid exclaimed to Elinor.

-"Umm Merid, I don't know what part of Elinor is a bear you don't understand" I pointed at Elinor as she nodded agreeingly.

-"I know, I know! But how do we get you from here to there, up to the tapestry!" he lightly pulling his hair in frustration. Elinor stared at Merid and I then pointed to both of us and then the door.

-"You want us to go out there!" Merid questioned but before he could say anything else she pushed us out the door.

All clans were ready for battle but stopped and stared at us as we 'confidently' walked to the center.

-"What are you doing lad and lass?" Fergus asked once we got to the center.

-"It's alright Fergus, he knows what he's doing" I assured him and gave Merid a small smile.

-"I...ehm...I have...we'll you see...I" Merid began but looked unsure of what to say.

-"We have been in conference with the queen" I helped him start off and gave Merid a small smile and nod for him to continue, until we were interrupted.

-"Is that so?" Lord Dingwall asked as he climbed over the table.

-"Aye, it is," Merid responded, clearly annoyed as much as I was.

-"Well! Where is she then?" Lord MacGuffin asked, moving the table in front of them easily.

-"She uh-" Merid tried to continue but was interrupted again.

-"How do we know this isn't some type of trick!" Lord Macintosh said as he leaped over the table.

-"I'd never-" He continued but was interrupted again.

-"This is highly irregular"

-"And who is she?" they said, pointing at me.

-"What are you playing at?" they asked and looked at me suspiciously.

-"Why is she here, where is the Queen?"

The clans continued to ask questions as they got closer to Merid and I.We backed up a bit but they kept coming.

-"We will not stand for any more of this jiggery-pokery" Lord Macintosh yelled out.

-"That's right, let's see her!" The other agreed.

Merid looked frustrated and overwhelmed. I looked at the three clans and at Fergus who glared at the clan leaders.

-"SHUT IT!" I yelled, everyone stared at me surprised and stayed quiet for a second until they started again.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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