Breakfast Time

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After the cottage exploded, Merid and I built a small shelter. I laid down my cape to sit on and rested my head on Merid's shoulder, he rested his head over mine.

-"What are we going to do?" I asked, turning slightly to face Merid.

-"I...we'll sort it out tomorrow" he mumbled, I smiled at him and we both looked over at Elinor who was turning her back facing us and looking like she was sleeping.

-"She must be tired," I whispered.

-"We should go to sleep, we need lots of energy if we are to figure out how to break the curse" I added, slightly yawning and kissed Merid's cheek goodnight. He kissed my forehead and placed his cape over the two of us, the sound of rain falling sang me to sleep.

The next morning I woke up from a rustling sound. I tried to get up but noticed Merid had his arms around my waist, not wanting to wake him up I looked over and saw Elinor prepping a "table", I shook Merid softly and he woke up and rubbed his eyes. He looked around at Elinor and looked at me. I shrugged and we got up. I folded the capes and placed them on a rock.

-"Uh..Good morning" Merid told Elinor as he sat down on a rock. I sat on another and Elinor began to growl and attempt to talk.

-"Sorry I don't speak bear!" he said, frustrated with not understanding.

I look over to Merid and see he placed his bow on the table, I giggle quietly as the two of them tried to understand each other, when he finally got it he moved it near his "seat". Merid began picking and poking at the berries as Elinor ate them happily.

-"Find those by the creek, didn't you?" Merid questioned, picking one up and eyeing it.

-"They're nightshade berries" I half-explained after inspecting them, Elinor just kept eating.

-"They're poisonous" Merid warned and Elinor spit them out and began to drink her water.

-"Where did you get this water?" I asked.

-"It has worms" Elinor spit it out and growled in defeat.

-"Come on!" Merid took my hand and taking us to a river full of fish.

He shot an arrow at one of the fish and held it up to Elinor as she applauded his catch.

-"Breakfast" he smiled and Elinor nodded happily.

-"Oh, wait. A prince should not have weapons, in your opinion!" he continued, Eilnor was still nodding until she realized what he said.

-"There you go" Elinor leaned forward looking at the fish but scurried away once it began to move around in search of water.

-"How do you know you won't like it, if you won't try it?" I asked and looked for branches and twigs to start a fire.

Once the fire was done, I cooked the fish while Merid went for more. It was fine at first but Elinor kept asking for more, so we sent her to get her own fish because it was getting pretty tiring.

-"You think she'll actually catch one?" I asked leaning to whisper to Merid.

-"I'm not sure but it'll be fun to see her try" he mumbled back and wrapped his arms around my waist.

Elinor kept trying to catch a fish but failed miserably, I guess this annoyed Merid as much as it annoyed me so we went to help her. We tried to help but that only resulted in her getting hit by a fish in the face. We both laughed at Elinor which was a mistake because she splashed a ton of water on me which caused me to slip. But not wanting to fall I grabbed on Merid's shirt which only caused both of us to fall in.

-"Sorry, I didn't want to fall in" I huffed and twisted the rest of the water off my shirt.

-"It's okay, as long as you don't get hurt, I'm fine" he replied and gave me a small smile.

-"Hey Elinor, I think we can-...what are you doing?" I asked, as Elinor was walking on fours and away from us.

-"Where're you going? Mom!" Merid called after her.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Make sure to check out the message I sent on my page!


Brave (Male! Merida x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें