Lessons Continue

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After reciting lines we moved onto geography, kingdom names and such. Merid also finds this boring so he was drawing while I took some notes but was mostly doing review since I had already learned this years ago from mom. Mom taught me a great deal, she said it was very important for a future queen to know her kingdom and what she'll be helping take care of and be leading.

-"A prince must be knowledgeable about his kingdom!" Elinor announced while pointing at the map waiting for Merid's response.

-"And a prince does not doodle while learning important matters" she snatching away Merid's paper.

I tried to take a peak but Merid took the paper from his mother and crumbled it quickly, hiding it from me. I pouted but continued my notes as Elinor does the same. Some time later we moved onto instruments, Merid and I played the lyre as Elinor hummed lightly to the tune and corrected us if we made mistakes.

-"That's a C dear, and an E for Y/n" she corrected.

-"Sorry" I mumbled as I corrected the note and continued on.

After lessons Merid and I walked to the kitchen to get a snack. Once finished, we went to see Fergus who was showing us a new bird. As Merid took it out of his bird cage, I petted him as he cuddled into my hand. But as soon as Fergus tried to get near the bird he attacked him and pecked him causing Fergus to run and scream. Both of us bursted out laughing and giggling, almost falling to the floor when Elinor came out from the tent.

-"A prince and lady don't chortle," 

During dinner Merid stuffed his face with food identically to his father, I nudged his shoulder and moved my gaze pointing to the way Elinor was eating. But before he could do anything Elinor intervened.

-"A prince does not stuff his glob" she gave him a frown in disapproval.

The next morning I woke up early, got dressed and head off to Merid's room to wake him up. But I was beaten to it, Elinor was already there, scolding Merid as she opened his curtains letting the morning sunlight in.

-"Rises early!" her voice was loud as she said it once more before leaving the room.

Merid mimicked his mother's voice causing me to giggle. He looked over at me annoyed and pulled the covers over his head wanting to go back to sleep.

-"If you get up now we can spend the day together hiding from Elinor" I offered, attempting to get him up.

He quickly jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom to get dressed. I smiled and made the bed while I waited for him to finish. We spent the day hiding for Elinor but failed miserably, everywhere we went she was there, scolding us.

-"Is compassionate,"



After a while we got tired and tried to hide in the last place she would look. We hid in Merid's bedroom, after drawing for 10 minutes I began to feel hopeful that she wouldn't find us. But I spoke too soon.

-"Clean" she half-scoffed, looking around Merid's room and as quickly as she came she left.

After cleaning up Merid's room we walked to the throne room which was the fastest way to the kitchen. But of course we couldn't even walk to the kitchen without being spotted. Elinor made her way to us with Fergus, she let go of his hand and walked to Merid fixing his hair.

-"And, above all, a prince strives for, well, perfection!" she smiled and left with Fergus walking towards the dining room.

I noticed Merid's face turned into a sad frown, I held his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze and smiled softly when he turned to look at me.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter! 


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