The Games Part 2

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On the far edge you could see a cloaked figure stepping forward and placing a Clan DunBroch flagpole into the ground. They took off the cloak to reveal Merid. Elinor snapped her gaze in my direction and gave me a look. I put my hands up in defeat, showing that I had know idea what this was.

-"I am Merid, first born descendant of clan DunBroch" Merid announced.

-"And I'll be shooting for my own hand!" he continued.

-"What are you doing?" Elinor muttered as she began to walk forward.

-"Merid!" she yelled.

-"Cruse this shirt!" Merid grumbled and began to stretch and tear the seam of his shirt.

-"Merid! Stop this!" Elinor continued to yell but was ignored as Merid had shot two arrows and hit dead center. As he moved to the final one Elinor began to walk faster.

-"Don't you dare shoot another arrow!" Elinor warned as she continued to go towards Merid, he ignored her protests and got ready.

-"Merid! I forbid it!" she yelled one last time, but Merid let go of the arrow and it pierced through the first arrow and hit the center. He turned around to face Elinor and was dragged to her room. Fergus told me to accompany them to help calm both down and he would distract the crowd.

I ran to Elinor's room and was about to knock when Merid opened the door to leave the room. He looked at me surprised and grabbed my hand to leave but I didn't budge.

-"We are not going anywhere, you two are going to solve this problem because it doesn't only affect you it affects the rest of them, so we are going to stay here until it's fixed" I told them and pulled Merid inside the room and closed the door standing in front of it to block anyone from coming out.

-"I've just had about enough of you, lad!" Elinor yelled at him setting up a great start to the conversation, this was going to be a long talk.

-"You're the one that wants me to-" Merid began to say but was interrupted by Elinor.

-"You've embarrassed them! You've embarrassed me!"

-"I followed the rules!"

-"You don't know what you've done!"

-"I don't care"

-"There'll be fire and swords if it's not set right!"

Elinor kept going on and on yelling and scolding Merid, and Merid attempted to talk but his mother overpowered him. This isn't the way it should be. They should talk to each other and figure it out, not keep yelling, it only makes it worse.

-"JUST LISTEN!" I told her, having enough of their yelling. They both turned to face me and Elinor stared at me in debrief.

-"Just listen, you're both yelling at each other as it isn't making it better! All you're doing is making it worse. Elinor, listen to Merid for once please"

-"I am Queen! You both listen to me!"

-"YOU don't get to tell me what to do, and YOU are acting like a child!"

-"And you're a beast! That's what you are!" Merid yelled back.

-"Merid!" I called out his name, I know he was mad, but he had no right.

-"I'll never be like you!" he tod her and picked up a sword pointing it at her tapestry.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter! 


Brave (Male! Merida x Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora