Arrows, Meetings and Bears Part 3

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-"Y/n? Oh! Hello sweetheart" her voice was soft as she spoke and reached over to grab my hands.

She was really pretty, long hair parted into ponytails tied and twisted with ribbons, wearing a bright maroon colored dress detailed with gold borders and belts.

-"H-Hello" I replied shyly but quickly composed myself and curtsied lightly as I remembered my mother's lessons.

-"Oh! You are very polite" she gushed.

-"Can she stay with us, can she, can she!" Merid excitedly asked his parents.

-"What about her parents, she will be missed very much" she asked.

-"M-My mom's gone..." I quavered trying to keep myself from crying.

-"Oh sweetheart it's alright, you'll be safe we'll take care of you" she assured, kissing the top of my head.

I hugged her tightly, afraid to let go. I began to close my eyes to keep myself from crying until Merid yelled out the 'bear'. I looked in the direction where the bear was and saw it, it was my dad. Almost instantly I let go of Merid's mom and ran to the bear. I ran and attempted to hug him with my small arms, but I was too short so I only reached his leg. He wrapped his paws around me and made a small purr-ish sound telling me that he was happy to see me. I was so happy hugging my father I had forgotten about the people around us.

-"Y/n!" Merid's mom yelled.

-"Mor'du!" others yelled, including Merid's dad.

My dad let go of the hug and put me behind him protectively. He growled and began to fight at the soldiers that came at us. As the soldiers moved him around they got him to move a great distance from me. As I watched in horror I heard a small voice creep in, "Come on you" it said as it scooped me up. I didn't notice Merid's mom coming from behind me until I heard her voice. She had picked me up and hopped onto a horse already carrying Merid. I screamed and cried trying to get to my dad, but it made no difference. Once again I had found and lost my dad on the same day.

-"Let me go please" I begged for the thousandth time.

-"I want to go back" I continued but knew there was no use, her grip was too tight around me.

-"No sweetheart, it's too dangerous to go back," she said, glancing at me.

I cried and after a while I fell asleep, only to wake up in a large room on a big bed. I got up and slid off of the bed landing onto the floor. I looked for my necklace, luckily it was still tucked inside my dress. As I looked around I walked to the door, it was made of dark wood which made it very heavy. It took almost all my strength to pull the door open and once I did I walked towards the closest staircase and began to climb down. As I descended the stairs I could hear hushered voices coming from the bottom.

-"Who is she? Why did she hug the bear? Why didn't he attack?" a female voice hushed through.

-"I'm not sure, love, but I have a feeling we'll find out soon" a male voice replied as I reached the bottom of the staircase facing them.

It was Merid's parents, they both stared at me as I did to them. I curtseyed and they nodded.

-"Hello lassie" Merid's father greeted.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter! 


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