Spells and Findings Part 2

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It was getting dark, which worried me because I still hadn't found her and I was afraid that the bear or some animal would get to her first. I continued looking until I ended up at some old half destroyed castle. 

I dismounted and walked around. It must have been the original Kings castle mom was talking about, I remembered she said that about 16-17 years ago there was a ruler who ruled all of Alba before it was split up. 

A war had broke out between the sons to figure out which son should be the next ruler or something, and the eldest son already had an heir which gave him advantage but they ignored it. War still broke out and everyone believes that the sons and king died but that the heir still lives and everyone is just waiting for him to come out. I continued to walk around until I saw Y/n sitting on the grass in front of a stone house.


I have been sitting outside the house for a while now thinking and reading the "diary/journal" that I assume was my mother's. I heard some sound in the background but brushed it off because one, I was too busy thinking, and two I assumed it was a small animal or something. I continued to think about the curse and what my mother wrote until I felt someone's arms wrap around my waist. I slowly turned and Merid was there hugging me tightly.

-"I-I thought I lost you forever" he whispered.

-"Don't ever do that again" he continued, not whispering more like quiet yelling.

-"I'm sorry, I just..." I mumbled out as tears rolled down my cheeks.

-"It's okay, just don't leave me, please, I thought something bad had happened to you or...or"

-"I'm fine, I didn't run into anything either, so don't worry to much about it"

-"Let's go home" he told me, pulling me up gently.

-"I-I can't"

-"Why not? It's your home too, I don't care what my mom said, we'll go through the kitchen and then sneak to my brothers room, that's the last place shell check, now let's go it's getting dark"


-"No I won't let you stay here, come on my dad and the triplets are worried sick looking for you" he added and sat me on his horse with him behind me.

My horse just followed as we rode back. The trip back was silent, I figited with my necklace until we got there. Once there we snuck through the kitchen, luckily no one was there. Merid walked to a table and set up a cup of tea and a cake that he pulled from his satchel.

-"W-What are you doing? Where did you get that cake?" I asked looking at the small cake he placed a plate decorated with blueberries.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter! 

See you thursday!


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