Clans Arrival Part 1

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It's been a few weeks, maybe a month since Elinor and Merid had their argument. They weren't talking but Fergus and I weren't having it. 

We tried everything from making sure they sat together during dinner to locking them in a room together, but nothing seemed to work. Elinor would only talk to Fergus and Merid would only talk to me, meaning  that we had spent a lot of time together. Something I'd be happy about if I weren't mad at him for ignoring his mom. I know he wasn't happy about the situation and I wasn't either but still, they could at least both try to talk it out. 

He can't avoid her today, today is the day the clans arrive. I changed into a light yellow dress with white lacing and braided my hair half up half down with white flower pins that matched the lace. I turned to my clothes drawers and dug deep until I found a small black box. I opened it and pulled out the necklace my mother gave me years ago. I used to wear it but kept it hidden at all times, until I found a safe place in my room to hide it in, only putting it on at night to fidget with when I felt sad or worried. 

 It was quite big, it was a long thin gold chain with the crest engraved on a small disk-like shape. After almost 10 years of not wearing it, I think today I will, I have a feeling that I will be fidgeting a lot more than usual. I put it on and tucked it inside my dress and ran to Merid's room to see how he was holding up. I got to his room only to see Elinor there brushing his hair back harshly and placing a pendant necklace over his head.

-"You look absolutely handsome," she complimented in a calm but slightly excited voice.

-"It's too stuffy and tight," Merid complained.

I gave the door a gentle knock, they turned to face me, Elinor nodded as a yes to me coming in.

-"Doesn't he look handsome Y/n?" Elinor asked, as she brushed Merid's hair more.

-"Y-Yes, he does" I mumbled my cheeks blushing pink.

There was a vast moment of silence before I noticed how uncomfortable Merid was with the outfit and Elinor's presence. So I thought of some random excuse to help with the awkwardness.

-"Umm...Elinor?" I asked.

-"Hmm?" She questioned fixing Merid's collar.

-"I think you should help the...boys get ready...s-so you know they all look handsome as Merid does"

-"Oh...yes, I should do that! I'll take my leave then" she replied as she began to exit the room but lingere by the door frame.

-"Oh and Merid..." 

-"Mom?" he questioned, looking slightly hopeful of what she was going to say.

-"Just...remember to smile" she told him, sending me a sad smile before leaving the room.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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