Arrows, Meetings and Bears

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I tried to shoot an arrow and failing miserably, looking at my dad he looked like he was on hjis last strand of patience and my mother looked like she saw a ghost. She must be terrified.

-"Now listen lad, draw all the way back to your cheek, that's good..." hetold me in the calmest voice he could muster.

-"Keep both eyes open and stick to the target...that's really good, now let go" 

I let go and I missed very miserably, I missed so badly it ended up flying over the target and into the forest.

-"I missed," I sighed out, turning to my parents.

-"Well, we can't keep practicing if there's no arrows" 

-"Go on, go fetch it" he told me as I placed my bow down and began to run towards the arrows direction,

As I ran I could hear faint bickering coming from my parents, I giggled as they talked.

-"A bow, Fergus? He's a gentleman! Oh!" is all I could hear as I continued to run.

I began to go further into the forest. I slowed down, and looked around carefully, walking in look of my arrow. I continued to search until I heard a small ghostly sound, I turned and saw a little blue blob floating a few inches off the ground.

-"A will-o'-the-wisp!" I exclaimed as my eyes widened in surprise.

I lunged forward trying to catch it but it disappeared and re-located itself a few feet ahead of me.

-"They're real!!" I exclaimed as I chased them trying to see where they would lead me.

I ran in an attempt to chase them but slowed down when I heard small and quiet giggling coming from behind a tree. I walked forward and peeked and saw a small h/c haired girl sitting on a tree trunk playing with the two will-o'-the-wisps. 


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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