Bears and Some Truths Part 2

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Merid and I fell through the floor and landed on some rocks and cold flooring. Elinor peaked her head in the hole on the floor looking down at us, she whimpered, worried that we were hurt.

-"We're fine, mom. Just fine" Merid assured her.

-"Don't worry Elinor, we'll look around a bit and come back up, okay" I added and she nodded approvingly.

Merid got up and held his hand to me, I smiled at him and took it.

-"Are you hurt?" he asked, turning my face to check and looking at my arms.

-"I'm fine" 

-"It's a throne room" I mumbled looking at the five thrones in front of me. I walked to them and brushed my hand on them as I counted, they were made of cold and smooth stone.

-"Uncle 1, uncle 2, uncle 3, mom and dad" I mumbled to myself.

-"Did you say something?" Merid asked while walking over to me.

-"N-No! I was just counting"

-"We'll, when your done "counting" come look at what I found"

I walked over and saw a stone tapestry, it was dad and his brothers, but it was split. 'He must have done it when he demanded his brother's obedience to the kingdom' I thought.

-"There's four, the eldest is split away from the the story mom told me" I hummed in reply too distracted with my surroundings. 

Merid was tracing his fingers along the tapestry. I looked over at my dad's split side, I sat down on the floor resting my head on my hand until a vision flooded my thoughts. It was Merid slicing through his mother's tapestry and suddenly it morphed into dad splitting the stone tapestry, you could see my mother holding me in the background and my uncles cowering on one side as dad drank a potion. He turned into a bear and growled, then the vision was gone.

-"W-what, did you see that?" I asked Merid who was just walking around and nodded in response to my question.

-"The spell! It's happened before!" he started off but then looked down when he stepped on a bone?

He mumbled things as I looked around, the walls were scratched up and there were bones scattered all over the floor.

-"Merid, I have to tell you something" I whispered.

-"Fate be changed! The prince changed his fate! So that means he became...oh no!" Merid mumbled as realization hit him. He stopped his pacing when we heard a growl.

-"Mor'du!" he rushed towards me.

Dad saw me and then looked at Merid and growled. He walked forward and continued his growling.

-"Merid go!" I told him and pulled away from him walking to the bear.

-"Y/n! No come back, you'll get hurt!" he began to make his way to me when dad growled at him and continued his approach.

-"Merid no!" I yelled as he shot arrows at the bear.

I ran in between him and the bear and held my hands outstretched to stop my dad from approaching and further. I walked to dad and patted his fur to calm him down. I had to do something to stop him from hurting

-"Please stop, he's not gonna hurt me he's helping me, please" I whispered to him and continued to pet his face as he leaned into my hand finally calming down. Until he heard another loud growl.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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