Birthday's and Targets Part 2

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I quickly glanced behind me as I prepared to shoot and the last target, he looked like he was deep in thought which was broken by me when I shouted 'I'm done!'

-"This isn't the first time you've shot," he mumbled, still piecing things together.

-"No, it's not the first time" I replied.

-"Then when?...Where did?...How?" he questioned as I giggled.

-"A very long time ago with my mom"

-"I learned a long time ago but I still practice, with your brothers actually" I answered looking at him as he processed what I had said.

-"But how did no one notice you practicing?" 

-"Well, when you have access and trust from people in the kitchen, some pasty's might make their way to your brothers as payment to keep everyone away from certain areas" I  half-explained.

-"But why don't you just practice with my dad and I?"

-"You know how your mom is, if she saw me she'd start with her 'It's not lady-like lesson' and I don't want to deal with that"

He laughed and then turned around facing the big mountain and waterfall. I knew exactly what he was thinking, this wasn't going to end very well. 

-Time Skip-

We had been climbing for at least a half hour, maybe more. In this time I had almost slipped twice and heard the horses neighing from below in worry every time. Merid was ahead of me and looked down towards me every so often to check that I was still alive. 

He was smirking down at me, something that really annoyed me because he knew very well that I disliked climbing mountains. After what seemed like hours we finally got to the top. There was a big waterfall that clearly indicated we were at Queen's Tooth. We drank water from the waterfall and sat down to look at the sunset, as we watched Merid was carving patterns and letters and patterns on his bow. I tried to take a peak but he wouldn't let me.

-"We should head back," he sighed out taking another glance at the sunset.

-"Yeah, we should-"

-"Race you!" he yelled and began to quickly climb down.

-"No fair, I hate doing this and you know it!" 

After a while we finally got down and took the horses back. Merid was shooting arrows and as he prepared to shoot one I beat him to it. I smirked at him and sped up leaving him behind. 

Putting the horses away once there, we went our separate ways to change for dinner. I changed into a very light yellow dress with white lacing and trims, once done I ran to the kitchen. There I found Merid taking a few apples, I swiped a plate of pastries and walked to the dining room. 


I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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