Prince and Princess things

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As we walked I mentally facepalmed myself for Merid's bad posture and expression. I lightly bumped my shoulder to him and mouthed 'smile'. He looks at me and what does he do...he puts on the fakest smile in all history. 

Elinor sighed in disappointment as I mentally facepalmed to myself once again. As we reached the thrones I curtsied while Merid just flopped onto his throne. I made my way over to my spot,  standing by Merid's throne. I gave his shoulder a small squeeze mumbled 'fix your posture' before turning to face the front of the room. 

I know he's the prince and has to a lot do to and be, since he has to set the example for his brothers, many duties, responsibilities and expectations, but I would too if I were with mom and dad so it's not something out of the ordinary. The least he can do is try his best which I knows he's sort of doing. I also need to pay attention to continue learning and try to find a way to fix father's curse.

-"You're very lucky" I whispered to him while glancing over to Elinor and Fergus who were talking with some diplomats.

-"Why? All she does is boss me around" he says while turning to look at his mother and making a face.

-"She just wants what's best for you, and we're in this together, I have been learning the same things as you since you found me" 

-"And if anything I am the only one who pays the most attention and helps, or do you dare to say otherwise?" I question while looking at him only to see him huff, slouch down and cross his arms in defeat.

After the diplomats left, Fergus left alongside the triplets while Merid and I began our lessons. 

-Time Skip-

Currently I'm sitting on Merid's throne waiting for him to finish reciting his lines. I always try to get the longer ones, one for practice and two because as much as I know Merid needs the practice, he absolutely hates reciting, he's sort of good at anyways so it doesn't really matter much.

-"Hey Robin, jolly Robin and thou shall know of mine...." he mumbled, his voice beaming with boredom.

-"Project!" Elinor directed her voice filling the room with loud confidence.

-"Thou shall know of mine!" Merid says slightly louder but not enough.

-"Enunciate! You must be understood from anywhere in this room, or it's all for naught." she explains as she walks around the room.

-"This is all for naught" he whispers quietly.

-"Shush! She'll hear you!" I warn, hoping that she didn't hear.

-"I heard that!" she calls out.

-"From the top..." she directs and he starts all over again, this is gonna be a long day...


I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Next one will be probably on the 26th. Happy Holidays!


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