Deep Discussions

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I was dragged out of the dining room to Merid's room. I sat on his bed thinking about the situation while Merid picked up a sword from the pile on the floor and began to hit his bedpost. The sound and the wood chips that kept flying around was really starting to bother me.

I tried to ignore it but after a while it got on my nerves, I grabbed a sword from the floor and quickly blocked his sword before it could hit the bed post. He stared at me frustrated, moved my sword away and began to hit the bedpost again. I could take the sound anymore so I disarmed him and his sword went flying across the room.

-"Stop it, please I can't take the sound anymore and I know you're frustrated about this, but I am too and hitting the bedpost won't change anything!" I blurted out loudly.

He stared at me, it made me feel bad because I shouldn't be mad at him. It's not his fault that he's getting married off and it's definitely not his fault that I like him a lot. I wanted to tell him that I him but I was too nervous to do it and the timing was always wrong, especially now.

-"Sorry, it's just..." I mumbled out.

-"It's okay, we'll fix this right" he asked more than said and wrapped his arms around me in a hug, I buried my face in his chest wanting to cry but I knew crying would fix the problem either. After a few moments he let go and held my hands as I stared down at the floor.

-"I-I want to tell you something" he whispered.

-"I do too" I added after debating in my head if I should tell him or not.

-"I'll go first, Y/n I..." he started off but was interrupted when Elinor opened the door.

We both slightly flinched in surprise when she opened it. I gave Merid's hands an encouraging squeeze before I let them go so he could continue his discussion with his mother but he mumbled for me to stay.

-"Mother! Marriage!" he questioned her loudly.

Elinor ignored him and calmly walked to the chess board that laid on the table.

-"Once, there was an ancient kingdom," she began.

-"Ugh, mom!" Merid complained and flopped onto the bed.

I have never heard this story before but Merid must have, and multiple times because he was mumbling angrily as he covered his face with his pillow. I began to clean up as she talked, trying to calm myself from yelling at her that it wasn't time for a story.

-"Ancient Kingdom! It's name long forgotten" she continued.

-"Ruled by a wise and fair king who was much beloved"

-"And when he grew old, he divided his kingdom among his four sons," I know this story I thought, it sounds father's story.

I thought about it for a bit and remembered the last time my mother told it to me before the accident. I shook off the memory not wanting to remember what happened and continued to clean up.

-"And that they should be the pillars on which the land rested," she looked down momentarily while placing a chess piece on each corner and putting the chess board on top.

-"But, the oldest prince wanted to rule the land for himself! He followed his own path and the kingdom fell to war, chaos and ruin!"

I dropped the sword I was putting away, which made a loud thump as they hit the floor. Elinor and Merid both stared at me confused and surprised.

-"S-Sorry.." I apologized, my voice shaky.

Merid looked surprised at me whereas Elinor looked shocked, probably because I had interrupted her.

I felt my eyes water as she continued the story, she was portraying dad to be a horrible person. Why does everyone think father was mean and why do people hurt him? I walked for the door, trying to get away from the situation that reminded me of how much I missed my mom and how much I wanted my dad back.

-"Y-y/n dear, are you alright?" I heard Elinor's voice ask as I opened the door.

-"F-Fine" I replied, leaving quickly.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


Brave (Male! Merida x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя