Clans Arrival Part 3

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The fight continued and didn't stop because Fergus was just yelling random commands happily and slamming his hands on his chair. But he stopped once Elinor gave him a look, he began to argue but then gave in.

-"SHUT IT!" he yelled out causing even me to flinch.

Everyone stopped and looked forward but I shifted my attention to the triplets who made a small sound as they left their seats, I nudged Merid's shoulder and tilted my face in the triplets direction. We watched amused, as the triplets crawled through a small floor door, as they went in the last one smirked at us. After a few seconds of them leaving a man yelped in pain and a second fight broke out. 

This time Fergus was in it too which caused Elinor to stand up and walk through the middle of it. People cleared the way making a safe path for her as she walked. She stopped once she reached the four clan leaders and pulled two of them to the front by their ears, the other two were dragged along because the first two had them in headlocks. She let go once she got to the front, she walked up a step and turned facing forward to address the crowd.

-"I didn't start it was he..." apologized the Dingwall lord.

-"My lady, I feel terrible, my humblest apologies" the Macintosh lord pleaded.

-"Sorry...we meant no disrespect" hhe Macguffin lord mumbled out.

-"Sorry love, I didn't, but...yes, dear" Fergus said as Elinor gave him looks.

-"Now where were we?" Elinor questioned herself.

-"Ah, yes, in accordance with our laws, by the rights of our heritage, only the firstborn of each of the great leaders may be presented as a championess" she continued.

-"First born?" Merid asked me, I nodded and continued to fidget with my necklace.

-"And thus compete for the hand of the prince of DunBroch, to win the prince they must prove their worth by feats of strength or arms in the games"

-"It is customary for the challenge to be determined by the prince himself," Elinor added and was cut off by Merid.

-"Archery! Archery!" he exclaimed, I kicked his leg a bit as an indication to be more formal.

-"I choose...archery" he corrected himself as he folded his hands together and sat straight and tall.

-"Let the games begin!" Elinor beamed out.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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